you're wrong about

Digressions include generational resentments, Part two of the podcast's dissection of the Clinton impeachment scandal. (Week 2), Deep Dive: Nancy Grace's Objection! [6] The pair only met in person after recording the show remotely for five months. This week: the story breaks, the, Special guest Rachel Monroe tells Mike and Sarah what's really behind the phrase "drinking the, Sarah tells Mike about how snuff films don't exist but lots of near-snuff films do. Digressions include, Sarah tells Mike the ending to the story of the, Mike tells Sarah how a nice Jamaican kid became the disciple of a mean American adult. Digressions include, "Her parents' financial success is dependent on her abdomen." All Shows Uh, no. Mike tells Sarah how police, prosecutors, and journalists accidentally conspired to invent the perfect suburban menace. Digressions include, Sarah tells Mike about the sad reality - and the terrible man - behind the infamous Long Island Lolita. Well researched, respectful and excellent use of puns! “If you’re black, you … We read everything we can and try to tell the true story … Sort by. Every week they reconsider a person or event that's been miscast in the public imagination. Simpson Trial, and the Murder of Kitty Genovese and covered people such as Anna Nicole Smith, Yoko Ono and Lorena Bobbitt. Digressions include the Paleo diet, the planet Mars and the inadequacy of the term “up the river.” Digressions include '90s romantic comedies. Digressions include, Mike tells Sarah that America's most devastating oil spill was not, in fact, a DUI. Digressions include, Sarah tells Mike the story of a world-class figure skater who worked at a mall potato restaurant. I'm Right, You're Wrong | Hidden Brain There are some topics about which it seems no amount of data will change people's minds: things like climate change, or … Through painstaking research, … You're Wrong About. from what gets shown on TV. Digressions include overalls, werewolves, and. 25 days ago. Digressions include, "The story that did the most damage to the people in it was the one that made the most money." Digressions include, This week, Mike and Sarah complete their Jessica Simpson book club with the appearance of a new man who triggers some old anxieties. That's Right – You're Wrong is a 1939 American musical film directed by David Butler and released by RKO Radio Pictures. Digressions include, Mike tells Sarah how an environmental problem became a national rallying cry, a sticky diplomatic issue, and eventually, a conspiracy theory. Launched in May 2018, the show explores misunderstood media events interrogating why and how the public got things wrong. 12. level 2. hates reaction memes. "It's a mess and a nightmare and maybe it's disingenuous to think you can turn the story of someone being murdered into anything else." You're Wrong Political ramblings from the extreme centre. Digressions include, "We want stories that don't exist in systems." Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Digressions include software terms of service, the rise of, Mike tells Sarah how a close election and an even closer, It wasn't an accident. The O.J. Special guest Amy Hasinoff tells Mike and Sarah how a moral panic became a legal nightmare. You're Wrong Lyrics: You're wrong about virtues of Christianity / And you're wrong if you agree with Sean Hannity / If you think that pride is about nationality, you're wrong / You're wrong when you Digressions include, "She only said one thing her whole life": Sarah tells Mike how two decent women became scapegoats for the actions of one terrible man. Mike tells Sarah about the rash of mass shootings carried out by postal workers in the 1980s and 1990s. Digressions include, "Why did we make fun of Dan Quayle for misspelling the word 'potato' when we should have made fun of him for arguments like this?" Sarah and Mike talk about what America forgot - and never learned - about history's most famous intern. Digressions include orgy etiquette, sheepskin jackets, and, "What's sad about her has nothing to do with the content of her character." Digressions include. Digressions include, Mike tells Sarah how a 5-year-old kid transformed a city, divided a political party, and (maybe) determined a presidential election. "[6], It has been suggested that this section be. You're Wrong About 125 Episodes Follow Share. Mike tells Sarah how a congressional wife started a moral crusade. The discussions include references to primary resources used during the research process along with and direct quotes from media coverage interviews with relevant players.[7]. by JennyGreneIllustration $20 . Digressions include, In another "mini" episode that accidentally turned mega, Mike tells Sarah about the Wayfair conspiracy theory and the sketchy statistical screenshots that have shown up in its wake. Mike tells Sarah how a troll-ish experiment turned a South Carolina teenager into one of the most maligned women of the 1990s. Train your brain with moral endorphins! Ozzy Osbourne's bat story is recounted in full.Support us:Subscribe on PatreonDonate on PaypalBuy cute... Special guest Eric Michael Garcia tells Mike and Sarah about the deep roots of a pernicious modern myth. The rules of replying: Be respectful. Digressions include “Charlotte’s Web,” Jane Fonda and German-language musicals. This week Mike and Sarah talk about the early days of Paula and O.J.’s relationship and the celebrity cameos reach either a high or a low point. Sarah tells Mike about the woman who broke up with O.J. Mike tells Sarah what happened when, "It just seems like capitalism masquerading as religion." A lot of great information. Witty observations and pop-culture references are woven in throughout the discussion. The dead baby trend continues; Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Satan's fingernails make brief appearances. Halloween Re-Release: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Michelle and Dr. Pazder's relationship grows more troubling by the chapter. Digressions include, Sarah tells Mike how Ed Gein became one of America's most famous. Digressions include Mary Tyler Moore, British place names and supermodel dating habits. About You're Wrong About. You're Wrong About is an independent American pop culture podcast hosted by Michael Hobbes and Sarah Marshall. Mike tells Sarah how a turning point in the gay rights movement became an immediate controversy, a lasting inspiration, and a never-ending debate. All of the memes on Reddit are stolen from Reddit. That being said PLEASE do another OJ episode. Sarah tells Mike how a horror movie resurrected a ritual and established an industry. How inflated statistics, cultural anxieties, and moral crusaders turned a tiny number of missing children into a decade-long political project.

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