The first time I made this Spiced Tea, I used a large bowl with a whisk which worked really well. amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; This Friendship Tea recipe is a homemade spiced tea mix that's made by combining instant tea, Tang, powdered lemonade and a few spices. For instance, take a look at my pictures below for the jars of Christmas spiced tea with red hots. With Tang and instant tea, it's easy to make and lasts a long time. Better yet, share a cup with a friend! As you can imagine, a cup of Friendship Tea is wonderfully sweet and spicy. Hi! I will say, I find it’s easiest to make the spice tea mix in either a zipper plastic bag or a container with a spout. Place tea bags in spiced water, cover, and steep for ten minutes. I wish I could remember. Thanks for posting the recipe! Basically, Spiced Tea Mix blends together iced tea, Tang orange drink, lemonade mix and spices like cinnamon and cloves. Published Dec 12, 2009 in Beverages, Promo Recipe Cards, Ads & Labels. Hot Spiced Tea from Tang: Recipe Clipping. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; I’m sorry. You can also mix in red hots for an even spicier cinnamon flavor. This Friendship Tea recipe is a homemade spiced tea mix made with Tang, instant tea, lemonade powder and spices. Original recipe yields 20 servings. Check out the recipe below! amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; Lively Friendship Spiced Tea Blend is perfect for a tranquil moment together. It has become a tradition. Hot Spiced Tea from TANG. It taste more like … She believes that all children can learn and that, in life, simple is almost always best. Hi Trisha, You can mix that up and use it as is, or you can add some Jello (lemon, orange, lime, or ?) Just be sure and keep one for yourself. Store the spiced tea mix in a 16 ounce mason jar or other sealed container. Stir well! To make tea, simple add hot water as desired. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Back in the ’70s, Russian Tea made with Tang … I recommend about 1 tablespoon of mix per cup of hot water. Use 2 tbsp. 1/2 cup COUNTRY TIME Lemonade Flavor Drink Mix. My mom used to make this too, in the winter, we loved it. Bring to a boil. Enter your email to signup for the Recipe Newsletter . Regular recipes for Russian, or Spiced tea usually call for lemonade mix and Tang. As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. Russian Tea is a trip back in time for me! When I returned to my local Walmart to buy more Tang, they only had 20 oz containers of Tang. This recipe makes approximately 36 ounces of spiced tea mix. Put it in jars, and seal up tight. Whatever you call it, it's delicious fall in a cup. I am a homeschool mom, too. HOT SPICE TEA FROM TANG : 1 1/3 c. Tang flavor beverage crystals 1/3 c. instant tea 1 tsp. Just add hot water, and you have a sweet citrus tea to enjoy. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "trisdish-20"; In another saucepan, combine sugar, orange juice, and lemon juice. Learn how your comment data is processed. Instructions. Personally, I prefer to powder the mix for two reasons. Combine instant tea, Tang mix, lemonade powder and spices in a bowl, plastic bag or other container. Thank you! background-color: #f37226; Giveaways! Russian tea goes great with pumpkin flavored foods. Russian Tea Mix Recipe - Easy To Make and Great For Winter Cold Nights Russian Tea Mix Recipe is easy to make and ingredients include tang, tea with lemon, sugar and spices. You may add 1 cup of sugar to the mix or let each sweeten their own. (*3 minutes steeping will result in the lighter tea while 5 minutes will give you a strong tea) Finally, add the tang and sweetened lemonade powder. Warning: These Can Be Addictive! The red hots and mix dissolve in a mug of boiling water, adding even more spicy cinnamon flavor to the tea. While Russian tea may conjure up images of beautiful antique samovars, the Russian tea with Tang is a humble, yet delicious, concoction and most likely an American invention. While I’m guessing here, perhaps Tang’s new found popularity led to the creation of Friendship Tea. First, the ingredients are well-blended and won’t separate. I keep a jar at work and a large jar at home. This means if you purchase an item after using these links, I might earn a small commission! Double the recipe to fill a 32 ounce mason jar. To make 1 serving, place 2 heaping tablespoons spiced tea … of mixture for 1 cup of hot water. 2 tsp. Kettle, Microwave, or Keurig (for hot water). Use your own sugar, and save a bundle. Please contact me here for media enquiries. ground cinnamon. Pour the spiced tea mix into a blender or food processor and blend until the tea mix becomes a fine powder. I changed the recipe to my taste. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; I've heard it called Russian Tea or even Spiced Tea With Tang. #zrdn-recipe-container ul.zrdn-solid li:before{ I want to say just the three I have pictured here, but I could be thinking of a different time with different ratios. Some recipes variations even call for additional sugar. Not only does the Friendship Tea look more festive, but the prepared tea has even more yummy cinnamon flavor. Notice how the mix is a powder. 1/2 cup unsweetened iced tea mix. My first memory of Friendship Tea is, as a child during the 1970s, seeing it given as a gift amongst my mother’s friends. lemon flavored Kool Aid Mix all dry ingredients well. And it didn’t make its way to Europe until 1978. My grandma made this tea mix every year. You take instant powdered tea, a can of Tang, a can of powdered lemonade, and you mix them all together with some nutmeg and cinnamon. The original Russian tea recipe from scratch involves brewing the black tea and mixing it with orange juice. To prepare tea: Dissolve 4 … Whatever it is, I love it. Family cookbooks are an important way to preserve our mealtime traditions for future generations with individual printed recipes or your own professionally printed cookbook. } I'm already consuming lower my first batch of Spiced Tea with this holidays. #zrdn-recipe-container ul.zrdn-counter li:before { Many people like to give jars away as gifts for the holidays which is why some people refer to Spiced Tea as Friendship Tea. Store in a cool, dry place up to 6 months. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy. The 20 oz Tang recipe, how many jars will it fill? Autumn is my favorite season, so I like to give friends jars of spiced tea decorated with orange ribbon around Thanksgiving. Yikes! 1 1/3 cups TANG 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup instant tea* 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon cloves. Home > Recipes > Beverages > Hot Spice Tea from Tang. SPICED TANG TEA: Mix all dry ingredients well. Two more favorite fall-themed recipes I like to give as gifts are Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Sauce and Instant Chai Latte Mix. How to make Spice Tea with Tang: Printable. Are you ready to make some Spiced Tea? #zrdn-recipe-container .zrdn-tag-item a, #zrdn-recipe-container .zrdn-tag-item{ Hot Spiced Tea from TANG. Into an airtight container combine the iced tea powder, instant Tang, lemonade mix, cinnamon, allspice and cloves. Spiced Tea Mix with Tang also known as Friendship Tea. The first recipe uses a 26 oz container of Tang. Adjust the amount of mix according to taste. Material (articles and images) may not be duplicated or republished without permission. Then, pour in a cup of hot water and stir until dissolved. For instance, Lipton iced tea powder mix was introduced to the United States in 1964. However, it was Tang’s trip to space, literally, that launched its popularity into American households. I am including two recipes. This step is optional, however, it's recommended. I hope you enjoy this Spiced Tea as much as my family and I have. Maybe your grandma did, too. Make an extra batch, and give small jars of the mix as party favors. To prepare a cup of hot spiced tea, just add hot water. RUSSIAN TEA (OR SPICED TEA) Recipe - Ingredients for this RUSSIAN TEA (OR SPICED TEA) include tang, Sugar, instant lemon-flavored tea, ground cinnamon. Take your choice! Reviewed by millions of home cooks. Next, you have a choice. Alternatively, add all the ingredients to a blender and blitz on high until a fine powder. Second, the tea mix dissolves easily when making a cup of hot spiced tea. And actually, the most time consuming part of making this tea, is going to the store to purchase the ingredients. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; This brings back memories of my own mom mixing this together every winter. Simply add 2-3 teaspoons of the mix to a mug. Just to clarify before I go get ingredients for it, is the “Instant Tea with Lemon” a sweetened or unsweetened product I should be looking for? amzn_assoc_linkid = "21d13224d23e34b32f7a3dc245919ad3"; Thanks my momma used to make this all the time. My mother continues to be mixing up this orange, lemony, spicy concoction as lengthy when i remember. The first recipe uses a 26 oz container of Tang. Makes approximately 24 servings. SPICED TEA WITH RED HOTS recipe by Sharolyn Hurst Manning, is from Our Family Favorites Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at I love the versatility of this recipe. All-in-all, this classic spiced tea mix recipe couldn’t be easier to make. Since different readers may only have access to certain sizes of Tang, I decided to write recipes using whole containers in both sizes for your convenience. Often, the gift included a friendship poem, as well. In an airtight container, combine all ingredients. She has a degree in Education with a double major in Elementary and Special Education, but she is more proud of her countless hours of volunteer work in Children's Church. Strain tea … ...where I share my passion for all-things-tea one sip at a time. Directions. I am including two recipes. Hot Spiced Tea from Tang: Recipe Clipping This promo recipe for Tang juice powder was clipped from a magazine, date unknown. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "happy mugs"; I may be compensated when you click on or buy from these links. Mix … Thank you. color: #f37226; Pumpkin S’mores Recipe is Perfect for Autumn, Single Serve Microwave White Chocolate Cocoa #Recipe, Single Serve Microwave Mint Hot Cocoa #Recipe, Dee’s Pecan Pie Muffins Recipe from Dee’s In The Kitchen, Peach Marinade #Recipe for Grilled Chicken. Yield: 10 cups (about 120 servings). All content is copyright of Sweet Steep and Kristin Trapp, © 2020, unless otherwise noted. #zrdn-recipe-container ul.zrdn-bordered li:before{ Pour the spiced tea with tang into cups … Since different readers may only have access to certain sizes of Tang, I decided to write recipes using whole containers in both sizes for your convenience. #zrdn-recipe-container ol.zrdn-counter li:before, However, I like to blend it, especially for gift-giving. Here are the ones I’ve heard over the years: Personally, I like the idea of adding red hot candies to the mix, especially when giving Friendship Tea as a Christmas gift. Of course, it goes without saying, sipping a warm mug of this tea is really delicious, especially during the cool fall and winter seasons. If you’ve never heard of Friendship Tea, also known as Spiced Tea with Tang or Russian Tea Mix, it’s a bit of a blast-from-the-past. } However, the core ingredients almost always include Lipton instant iced tea, Tang orange drink, Country Time lemonade mix, cinnamon and cloves. Sweepstakes! I filled 3 pint sized jars… 1 jar to keep, and 2 jars to give away as gifts. Cool weather activities call for warm drinks. Jan 24, 2019 - This hot spiced Russian tea mix is a perfect flavorful addition to your winter routine. That is all! As a matter of fact, cookbooks from the 70s often contain a Friendship Tea recipe. Trisha, Thank you. You may add 1 cup of sugar to the ... 2. As far as Tang goes, this “Breakfast Drink” was actually available on store shelves as early as 1959. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Trisha Kilpatrick of Trisha Dishes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to . This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. *Affiliate links are used on this site. 1 cup instant iced tea (you can use plain, lemon, sweetened, unsweetened) 2 cups Tang instant breakfast drink 1 tablespoon of allspice or pumpkin pie spice. By 1968 Tang sponsored Apollo 8’s coverage on ABC television and NASA Made Tang Cool. It’s a time-consuming process. Just be sure and include directions for how to make a hot cup of spiced tea. I developed this recipe using the same flavors, but without the higher priced, sugar added, mixes. My mother would make this delicious Spiced Tea Mix when I was growing up. This tang tea recipe is a perfect gift. I’ve heard it called “Russian Tea” before, but have NO CLUE why… What’s great about this recipe is that you can make several batches at once and give a couple jars as gifts to friends. 2 cups TANG Orange Flavor Drink Mix. Pour the mix into a jar and you’re done. Finally, it’s time to get creative decorating the Friendship tea jars for gifts. color:#f37226; Thank you for this recipe. I have a craving for my grandma's spiced tea. Finally, sip and enjoy your spiced tea. Trisha Kilpatrick is a homeschooling mother of three. Be sure to leave room at the top of the cup because this spiced tea mix will fizz up when you mix with boiling water. When I returned to my local Walmart to buy more Tang, they only had 20 oz containers of Tang. Be sure and include these serving instructions when giving a jar of Friendship Tea as a gift. #zrdn-recipe-container ul.bullets li:before, When your friends and family drink it, they will think fondly of you. A jar of homemade mulling spices for apple cider, wine or tea also makes a delicious Autumn gift. This warm, citrus-spiced tea is enjoyed during Christmas, mostly in Southeastern US states like Georgia and North Carolina.The recipe for the tea … Check Out My Cat Lady Clothing and Gifts Shop! The temperatures are dropping outside, and I'm just plain nostalgic today. While the spiced tea mix, made with Tang of all things, was always the same, the gift of friendship and tea was packaged using all sorts of jars, ribbons, fabric, tags, and recipe cards. Combine ingredients and store in tightly covered jar. 1 pkg. Or, powder the mix further using either a food processor or blender. color: #f37226; Store the friendship tea mix in an … Like all recipes, there are variations of spiced tea mix. I usually use about 1 tablespoon for every 1 cup of hot water. Hot Spiced Tea from TANG 1 1/3 cups TANG 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup instant tea* 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon cloves Combine ingredients and store in tightly covered jar. 1 1/2 c of tea 2 c Tang 2 pkg Koolaid Lemonade (non-sweeten) 1 c sugar 2 t cinnamon 1/2 tsp allspice and it made my taste buds happy. } A food processor makes this effortless, but I managed with a blender … To make "Mormon Tea" leave out the instant iced tea. You have to remember, the ingredients that make up this spiced tea mix were quite novel at the time. To serve, add 2-3 teaspoons of the tang tea mix to boiling water. And for the Christmas holiday, why not spice up the spiced tea a little more with some red hot candies? Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy. border: 2px solid #f37226; The second time, I used a gallon sized zipper bag which also worked well. } That is really, really helpful. I have made this recipe so many times with so many different sized jars that I’m really not sure. Simply add all the dry ingredients either to a large bowl or a zipper bag, and stir the bowl or shake the sealed bag until it is really well mixed. #zrdn-recipe-container ol.zrdn-solid li:before, Whether you are throwing a game day party at home, tailgating at the stadium, or taking the family to the pumpkin patch for an outdoor picnic, your guests will be cheery and snug when you serve this Hot Spiced Tea. Already consuming lower my first batch of spiced tea mix into 8 ounces of spiced tea too... As gifts are Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Sauce and instant Chai Latte mix lower my first batch of spiced tea simple... Said, this classic spiced tea mix made with Tang say just the three I have made recipe. Blitz on high until a fine powder mix or let each sweeten their own stir. Time for me which is why spiced tea with tang recipe people refer to spiced tea mix when was... Is very thoughtful of you to write this recipe so many different sized jars that I m... 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For Tang juice powder was clipped from a magazine, date unknown all content copyright. Friendship tea until a fine powder life, simple add hot water stir... The tea serving, place 2 heaping tablespoons spiced tea decorated with orange juice and..., unless otherwise noted traditions for future generations spiced tea with tang recipe individual printed recipes or your sugar! Allspice and cloves my passion for all-things-tea one sip at a time this article jars!
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