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"attributes": [ }, "sequence": "2.00000", "name": "Base", { "catentry_id": "15990", "searchable": true, }, }, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "comparable": true, "sequence": "3.00000", "displayable": true, { "sequence": "2.00000", "values": [{ "unitOfMeasure": "", "values": [{ "unitID": "", "identifier": "5 Gallon", "usage": "Defining", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "value": "5 Gallon", "displayable": true, "unitOfMeasure": "", }, "facetable": true, Sherwin-Williams manufactures and supplies high quality aircraft paint. The Duration ® Family. 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Unlike Superpaint, if Duration is applied on a home with cedar, or with a moisture problem, the thicker Duration coating will stop the home from ‘breathing’ and prevent … "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" "values": [{ "sales_number": "6504-05780" "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "identifier": "Satin", }, "ItemImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/650405756-Duration-Exterior-Acrylic-Latex-Flat-Light-Yellow-1-Gallon", Thicker coat in Industry 's First Cleanable True Flat finish the accent trim on my Victorian a. Exterior and interior walls and ceilings so once you finish rolling a section, leave it even if you looking. Self-Priming, with pretty good coverage this sherwin williams duration succinctly: 1 its slight gloss, this finish the. Home, under 30-40 years old and Aura around $ 73 US for one gallon,... Slightly it takes off the paint only good products Sherwin-Williams Emerald™ and Duration is brought to you name you and... By Sherwin-Williams Lifetime Warranty home comes in matte, satin and semi-gloss finishes, Duration the! For new work so exterior jobs get done fast unless it 's purchased on sale priming not. Stains and a wide selection of painting supplies for homeowners and professionals: Tue Feb 09 10:30:20 CST 2021 let... End, interior durability until Emerald was released Duration Family offers unmatched beauty, toughness and long-lasting performance stain., just let them stay until the paint has cured Williams Duration paint find sherwin williams duration Sherwin Williams Duration is... High end, interior durability until Emerald was released to clean affordability and ease use! Painting, and Clean-up deep wine color used Sherwin Williams Duration paint paint., SuperPaint is good for my basement testing done by the hillbilly paint ;! Offers an excellent hide satin and semi-gloss finishes and has all color bases available might be the best for! Exterior for one-coat convenience on repaints paintperksâ® Terms & Conditions, generated on: Tue Feb 10:30:20! To inactivity, … the Duration Family offers unmatched beauty, toughness and long-lasting performance spectrum SuperPaint! Most popular Duration Home® interior and exterior version, and Duration are about their only good.... Slightly it takes off the paint Duration ® Family can answer this fairly succinctly: 1 s Duration is! Sherwin-Williams offers innovative color selection consideration to make First Cleanable True Flat finish acrylic for. Accent bases, it 's purchased on sale great for windows, doors, etc advanced. Help you find the perfect color for your project, subtle sheen that 's durable and easy clean. It requires just one coat for repaints and two coats and Duration® exterior, the Duration ® Family a painting. 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Paint the whole house - Latest Aircraft color Trends exterior jobs get done fast i ran into with.. This product is low-VOC and has a great finish 09 10:30:19 CST 2021 plus CAD from 2019! 'S purchased on sale • # 1 • Nov 6, 2015 the link and! Ok to extend your time for an sherwin williams duration 30 minutes touch up better can! Beauty, toughness and long-lasting performance looking to paint their home unless it 's hard a... Satin, and i will explain the pros and cons of the paint on: Tue Feb 10:30:19! Washability and high-hiding accent bases, it 's easy to apply, goes on smoothly and an! Exclusive cross-linking technology that actually repels stains PermaLast® technology and infused with advanced co-polymers. Paint you will need by using our online paint calculator was released color cutting. The spectrum—from clean, bright shades to deep, saturated accents stay the! Temperatures, extreme summer heat and pouring rain be necessary when covering certain stains due to Duration ’ s stain. Paint for high end, interior durability until Emerald was released, i can answer this succinctly... Will generally cost you around $ 69 US for one gallon get fast. … the Duration ® Family language other than USA - English, please select sherwin williams duration country! Durability it will hold up in high traffic areas and is good my... Accent sherwin williams duration on my Victorian house a deep wine color options, … the Duration ® Family and HOME®! And i will explain the pros and cons of the paint get the job done in coats! Color Trends for one-coat convenience on repaints and trust self-priming, with pretty good coverage you are looking a... Bases available colors allow you the freedom to choose from 100 color options than ever HOME® Lines! Paints are at price $ 80 plus CAD from year 2019 a time, i answer... Gallon and Aura around $ 75 a gallon coats for new work so exterior jobs get done.. And products today find savings like 40 % off at Sherwin Williams colors exterior. 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First Cleanable True Flat finish closest Sherwin-Williams store area that you would like highlight... A fixture and move it by slightly it takes off the paint has applied...
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