perfect world assassin build

Bonuses I like to see in these ornaments are +physical defense, +HP, +Vit, +Dex, and +Crit. Practice and good gear will allow u to be invincible and be able to solo many instances. If anything is left, follow with: Rising Dragon Strike - Sparkburst - auto all left standing. It is fairly quick cast time. Author: Leonard L Sampson. It will be one you want to level. This class is a mixture of DD (damage dealer) and crowd control. By the time 2 sparks will be needed for Demon/Sage sparkburst, one should have 1.54 - 2.0 APS anyway, giving a great chi gain. Learn it and tinker but, level as you feel. This is one of my personal favorites, I keep it leveled at all times. It is a physical, melee class damage dealer that relies on its speed and critical damage to destroy its enemy before its enemy has a chance to counter the assassins attack. If your cleric manages to take aggro due to healing, you can: 3: Control your anger...and aggro. Perfect World Assassin Guide by ArkToNE. Sharp Observer To manoever a sin you must have a lot of skill and make sure u hit ur sin buffs whenever u can and make sure u make them level 11! At level 10, for a whopping 8 seconds, this gives you 40% EXTRA CRITICAL CHANCE. Magic Mobs: Stop their initial channeling with Deep Sting then hold them in place with Tackling Slash, then you can DD skills and stop more of their channeling with another Deep Sting, Knife Throw, Throat Cut, then DD skills until they're dead. The red links to JPEGs are retained, as those are available to be copied from the old version of the page the article was deleted from Lyndura's Blademaster Class Guide. Leveling only decreases the cooldown; 4.8 minutes at level 1, 2 minutes at level 10. Before starting a guide on Blade Master class, you have to know who is blade master? So, you will want to look for -interval gear always. You will be looking for added bonuses of, +HP, +Vit, +Dex, -Interval, +Physical Def. I started using the assassin the day they came out on PWI and have grown with the class since then. After level 60 something, I did a restat, and dropped both my Vit and Mag to 3. Still, using abilities such as her stacking martial arts, the Assassin can still take on large groups of monsters with fair ease. Level: 1 (if just for chi) I say give or take on this. In general I am going to suggest you use Garnet shards in your Daggers, if you are high enough to shard your weapons. Just an FYI. This has got to be your most powerful attack, and it is a stunner. In PvP it works wonders against those stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes. Not to mention its silence lasts for a whopping 4 seconds, ROFL. 2: Guard your cleric. good luck guys and ty for the guide. Again, this is a PvP skill. Level: 10 only if you PK a lot. It is a must have for FCC and PvP. This skill is great even at level 1, because it already gives you 82% increased movement speed. The game's currency system has been completely overhauled as of the content update released on 10/23/2019. The Crit rate at level 10 is a + 40% with this skill, Perfect. Aoe, nice, but, you are not a Blademaster, you are going to pull aggro on multiple mobs and you are not built for that. This skill is absolutely essential to aggro control, as casting it completely removes you from the aggro table. 10-Rib Strike: Stab up under your enemy's ribs. Level: 1 It doesn't matter if you're an interval sin or skill spammer. But you work with what you are given. And it is an interrupt. Get the skill but don't bother leveling it until FCC. Craft Rate with 0 socket(s): 100% Drop rate with 0 socket(s): 100% Award from quest Invincible Blessing (0) I can already hear some of you balk at the mere mention of the skill. You will hit high damage but have low survivability. PvP Guides The foundation of all current PvP assassin builds is at least one point in Mind Blast and Wake of Fire to stunlock opponents. If the page is up-to-date, remove this tag. This may include rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise, and. Let’s start off with one of your key skills: Shadow Walk. Cause sins are squishy. Assassins are deadly 1v1. No matter the class. But, maybe later on I will work on some endgame guides. Sure, it gives a minor attack level boost, but it's not even remotely equal to the damage you can put out without the buff on. I do not care if you are a PvP or PvE. Power Dash: Don't have this, so I'll quote Taxi once more: they have bright coloured skin and are very cool, and would be my prefered race. otherwise, negligible. 1-Twin Strike: A stabbing thrust with both daggers. You are already going to have a high level of evasion, so adding more will only lessen your chances of being hit. 9-Power Dash: Deals your base damage + extra damage + increases your Crit rate by % for 8 seconds. Windpush: Both great for saving time and getting away in both PvE and PvP Use this for those moments when you actually take aggro away from the tank, so that you don't die, the tank can easily regain aggro, and no one gets mad at you for a party wipe. Even with a some HP shards and refines, your HP is a bit down the dumps! Maze Steps: Quoting Taxi again: Learn it but do not level it if you wan to minimize your chance of stealing aggro. No need to level it. Ortherwise, learn it and see if you have a need for it. This can be fixed with HP stones. There are other bonuses worth considering, like reduce physical damage taken and +EXP, but those are lesser than the others. ☆Evilstare Dual Daggers at level 69 have an exceptionally high Dexterity bonus of 28-30. Shards- You will always be safe if you add HP shards to your gear, and physical damage shards to your weapon. Going to quote taxi again as I know little of its use outside that: Elementalist: An Assassin build that focuses on Elemental skills from “Martial Arts tree” such as Phoenix Strike. Max it if your intention is to try to one-shot PK. It's great for skill spamming, one-shotting, and reducing your attack speed to keep from stealing aggro (the increased attack level does not make up for the lost APS for auto-attacking IMO). 9-Headhunt: Deals base damage + % gear damage + extra damage + stun. These add to your physical attack. Not to mention its fabulously high damage. As you know, Bloodpaint lets you regain health equal to a percentage of damage you deal, so you want to cast this on your tank the moment he pops into the instance. I would focus on +Crit, +Physical Attack, +HP, and +VIt. Level: Experiment and find out which you prefer if you use it for skill spamming, Rising Dragon Strike: Another chi building skill. Just changes the cool down time on the skill, which is long, but this is a save your rear skill. Your Subsea Strike skill is an AoE that increases the damage mobs take for a set amount of time, similar to the BM's Heaven's Flame skill. This is a PvP skill. Noob version guys If any of you want to give Assassin a try, go ahead you will love this class. Good or bad I appreciate all the comments and will try to the other classes done soon. Read more; Class Guide. With their vital ability to stealth in addition to their damage, assassins are a terrifying addition to any battlefield. Final Perfect World Assassin Build Information. Who would want a skill that actually lowers attack speed? Sebagai Assassin kamu tidak banyak memerlukan INT, tidak hingga kamu berubah menjadi Assassin Cross dengan build SD. If you are new in the game, Check out our Perfect world mobile game guide and tips which help you a lot to understand the game. +1 Strength Level: 5-7 for damage. And what I learned was, Sins are wonderful PvP, just as I expected. PWDatabase Version (Who cares?). Every 20 Dex = 1% more crit and more damage, plus Blood Paint (a skill we acquire at level 34) starts to shine. Combine this with your damage buffs and AoE skills or your increase attack speed skills and you'll be hitting like a stampeding musculized football player with steel plated pads and helmet. I like wood elves because they make the perfect assassin/theives and scouts. Greetings, my fellow fishmen. There is two ways I have and would consider building my Assassins. Some are worse than others but these levels are truly tough on a persons will. Gains sparks very fast with sage skills. 8-Bloodpaint- Grants a shield to all friendly targets wihin 10 meters. From this guide, you will get either you have to choose a wizard or not. And make the best of this by adding the proper accessories to offset some of the defensive inadequacies. But I really am indifferent about the Genies. LOL, yup, I said it. Get it. 5-Rising Dragon Strike: Deals base damage + gear attack damage + extra damage + 100% accurate. Level: 1-4, Tidal Protection: My comment is the same as Wolf Emblem, however I will agree with Taxi again and say it's a must have for end game (especially PvP). (Ok, she's addicted to it.) Tide Form: Pointless really, but it is fun. It should not be something in constant use. It's best to use these skills to keep mobs off of your cleric. This all led me to realize that I could enjoy this class, and in turn I could write a guide or two on the class! Assassin Build Guides v2 Assassin Build Guides These guides are those that are considered up to date with what is currently "state of the art." 1 vit adalah pilihan, dengan build ini kamu akan jarang terkena hit lebih dahulu dan jika kamu tersudut oleh banyak monster akan mudah untuk melakukan cloak, back slide, atau juga fly … Daggers will be the only option you will have to consider yourself with here. You only notice HP rise if you have +4 and up on all gears with 2-4 socket HP shards on all socketable equipment (which takes a ton of coin) so again, if you're poor ^_^ haha throw on some vit points =] it'll look good on ya'. It’s your first base skill. As far as bonuses on rings are concerned. : Sage skills focus on higher spike damage (high DPH). So to help all of you prima donnas (and I don't use that as a derogatory term) I've decided to create a simple guide to help you be a team player. In fact, it's great for everyone else in your party that's melee DPS, as it lets them get the bloodsucking benefits you get. If you can, invest in a Gold HP Charm. These are the skills I would consider though. Level it. And, that has led me to having a sin on a PvP server and one on a PvE server. Armor-This is fairly straight forward. Level: 6-10 for FCC, Head Hunt: Your most powerful attack and main stun skill. Also works great against those bishops in FCC (Frostcovered City). If I had to guess. And those were aspects of the game I had stayed away from for the most part for the first few years I had played the game. Deals base damage + % weapon damage to all targets within 8 meters. Increasing its level will increase both your stealth level when using it and decrease it's mana drain. Maybe some use in PvP. Assassins get the job done with as little as possible, so they rely more on skill and sabotage than they do direct fighting. Move of a PvP skill. This makes you Invisible, meaning you can’t be... Quick Strike. 7-Subsea Strike: Instantly strikes all nearby targets within 8 meters for base damage + extra damage + increases damage taken by target % for 8 seconds. Tideborn are relatively new to the land of Perfect World, having come from the sea itself to settle on the southeastern most island of Perfect World. Not only will I be embedding my own personal experience into this guide, but the experience of many who've helped create what assassins have become thus far in the game. Although it uses 1 spark, it's still a good secondary escape/moving skill. In a perfect world mobile game, There is one Blade Master class. In the early hours of COA, stealth can be hard to find. otherwise, negligible. Can spike crit AoE damage with clever skill combos. I say learn it. Interval Sins Side Note: Many people don't know this, but this attack is one of our only skills that auto attacks after you cast it, which is perfect for us interval sins. At least till 5, but if you want a 30 minute buff you have to level it to 10. I think that with all this skill gives you, it should be considered a decent one. Those are the skills I would learn. Raving Slash: Pointless as Tackling Slash soon replaces this. Plus, casting it a second time ends the effect, so you can activate it when you start a boss, then deactivate it when the boss's health is about halfway gone, as by then the tank will likely have the boss's complete attention, letting you cut loose and take out the other half of the boss's HP quickly. The name Assassin says it all! I really believe that you do not need this information included in these guides. It effects every skill and every hit. Level: 1-3 for aggro control Physical Mobs: Start off with Rib Strike then DD skills unless you want to stop his attacks entirely then mix it up with Throat Cut, Head Hunt, Shadow Teleport, Deep Sting. I really don't use this. I would get it especially for PvP, but it is a better skill than shadow walk, and Sage Demon gives you a +11 stealth level making it almost impossible for anyone to see you. Attack speed for Daggers are 1.25/aps This means that you will have 1.25 attacks every second. Shadow Teleport (your teleport stun move) and Throatcut to stun and silence the mob, effectively removing it from play until either you and/or your party can kill it. 5-Shadow Jump: Instantly move to your targets location. I am sorry I didn't cover Skill combos. Early game: Many will debate this stat build, and I don't blame them! Yet it takes a total of 3 mil coins at 4 mil spirit to get it to level 10. The assassins are an elite class hailing from the tideborn race. More for the chi building. Why? Each level increases its range by 1.5 meters (it has a range of 16.5 at lvl 1) and decreases its cooldown by 1.5 seconds (28.5 at level one) Killing mobs out there can get a bit tricky for the assassin, considering how squishy we are. Level: 8 to 10, but only if you are still fairly low (below 60 or 50) If you have played Perfect World for any length of time you have seen them being sought after for squads. In Perfect World VNG, they are the killers in … Skill Spammer: Well, the name says it all. Creates an ice dragon which jumps into the air before plunging down upon the enemy dealing a lot of magic damage to the selected target and the enemies within 4m from it, inflicting a powerful 60% slow for 6 seconds. Lasts for 10 minutes. Assassins are a class that specialize in close range high damage melee attacks as well as having … I would like to start off by saying that I think Barbarians are one of the best classes in Perfect World International.I have spent considerable hours playing my Barbarian and practicing the art of “Tanking” in order to give you the best information I can gather. Learn some tips and tricks for the class of your choice here. With these taken into account you can be a high damage dealer zerk hitter in pk or pve with great heals. You will be wearing all light armor. She's perfectly balanced to Adept, without using OP damage multipliers, and a few combos that save her now, and then. 5 Vitality (20-35 if you're poor) Genies are inconsequential. 8-Slipstream Strike: A powerful strike with the full force of the arm. With that, please go 1str/4dex =] you won't regret it later on, trust me. The most popular build for Assassins is the same as for all Light-Armor-designed classes (Assassins, Duskblades and Archers): one point of Strength per level, with the rest in Dexterity. Ornaments- I am going evasion necklace and belt. Welcome to my ultimate Perfect World International Barbarian build guide. Cat-Like Tread LOL.". Shadow Escape. It is good. Even at the cost and the longer cast time. On the PvE end of things I am going with a little Vit. Assassins are a single path class. Increases your Critical Chance lasts for 8 seconds. An assassin does exactly what you think an assassin can do, it kills things incredibly fast. Maybe I will at some point on my perfect world tips blog. If mobs break from the tank, you will have to kill or coral the mob before it gets to the healers. What exactly is the Assassin Class? Switches to Block when she has to, hacks, and bashes to finish the tough one, and pops the occasional Vampire Dust when she needs to. 1-Inner harmony: Instantly gain Chi. If you do this, for 9 whole seconds the mob wont be able to hit you with his melee attacks because it's too busy trying to position itself next to you! It does not play as well for a melee range class. The Assassin. They excel at 1v1. Get it and keep it leveled if possible. 3-Maze Steps: increase movement speed and immune to stun and immobilize for 10 seconds. A great sin would be a r9 weapon sin or G15 interval double damage sin. Unless you can catshop those 24 primeval/savant stones, and 4 socket your gear, +10, charms, pots, etc., squish is the name and damage is the game. 2-Raving Slash: Deals a damage that equals to your base attack + extra damage + slows your target by a %. Puncture Wound: This one is great for low to mid levels, but eventually the DoT isn't worth the time it takes to use. Your high damage, debuff attacks, and teleportation skills means you can kill and maneuver around the battlefield quickly. Unfortunately, not all of you have realized this. Genie skill: Occult ice (optional). This is how I see it. An Assassin is a sneak and destroy class, using stealth to sneak up on enemies and dispatch them with one or two attacks. On the PvP Sin, I am going pure. Leonard L Sampson (author) from Michigan on June 28, 2012: Thanks Shin, I like the input, and am sure other readers will too! However, in PvP, this would be a good skill to use after you stunned your opponent. So I'm going to drop all hybrid ideas (Basically, don't raise VIT unless you are a Barb). Deals base damage + extra damage. But, they are not as bad as I had decided they would be. You will use this skill for a long time. Gonna make this quick. Comboed with Tackling Slash and you basically have a stun. Deals base damage + extra damage + has a % chance to interrupt.This is your ranged skill. Level it as you desire. Chill of the Deep is almost essential for aggro control on bosses, as your lowered attack speed means you can let the tank do his job without any real worry (plus, it gives Rib Strike a nice damage bonus, so it's not all bad). It is a real difficult skill to understand. Back to the topic at hand though. Level: as you please. The assassin is a adorit and stealthy character, capable of sneaking up on their opponents before delivering horrific bursts of damage using their twin daggers to skewer and control their foes. Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus an extra amount of physical damage. ACLucious - "When fighting a melee mob, use Tackling Slash and position yourself right in the middle of them. Assassins Understood. Level: 10 by 7x for FCC. However, you're in a party, so unfortunately damage isn't everything; survival is. You can also use Subsea Strike to increase the overall damage the party does. But, the game got boring to me so I naturally moved into other aspects of the game in order for it to maintain my interest. Chill of the Deep. The Twin strike branch is the one to the left, the Shadow walk is the next one over then Puncture wound, with the Windpush branch being all the way to the left. Perfect World Lore. But I’ll start with the easy to level-up build. 1: Rib Strike early, Rib Strike often. Mostly useful in PvP as it uses 2 sparks, but it's essential in FCC. Level: 1 just for chi 5: Bloodpaint your tank. There are 40 skills in all. Vampire: This build belongs to Martial Artist Assassin and it’s built around Cobra Strike. Here we go again. It has been a long time coming, but I have just not been able to find the time to build a Seeker. Sometimes the barb won't be able to hold all aggro especially when your squad DD is doing a ton of single target damage. Do what you will. Pure Builds are always the best. This page was last edited on 23 October 2019, at 08:41. I am going to cover the skills down the four primary trees that the Assassin has. 5-Throatcut: Deals base damage + % gear attack + extra damage + % chance to interrupt channeling + silence. I am going to score them, from 1-10. The distance increases with levels. It is more effective as a PvE skill, but still, keep it leveled. Interval sin: max it. Deals base damage + 100% of your weapon damage + extra damage. Level: 10 for PvP and FCC. At least in my mind that is. I say don't bother unless you find yourself short on sparks later in game. Both with slightly different builds. One has to understand that, even in history, they were not the most durable and heavily armored people out there. Its BEAUTIFUL! Read all about the history and lore of Perfect World starting from the beginning up to the last expansion, Sirens of War. In Critical Hit form, they can deal more damage than other classes in most circumstances. So, whenever possible, the bonus attributes always helpful on your weapon will be -interval, +HP or +Vit. 3-Shadow Walk: Enter stealth mode. The more attacks you can achieve per second is highly important with this class. p.s. But I am not going to cover the level 79 and above skills. This skill is absolutely fantastic. There are lots of Thieves and Assassin Stat Builds. At early levels, we have such low HP that charm will be with you for a very long time. And it is possible to achieve an aps over 3 and higher. I am on the fence here. Meaning, you'll be watching out for those extra mobs the casters/archers in the back that might be taking aggro. It was a one dimensional class to me. Level: Negligible, Deep Sting: Not really worth leveling for the minor damage increase. You will never be mistaken for a tank, not in any instance. Self buff of sorts. And +Dex. and can pull. Unfortunately, they don't stack with demon spark though.). Most hitting characters that level up easy are Agi type builds since they don’t cost a lot of white potions. They help a little, that is all, in my mind. At this point you will now have more than 1 AOE and this one does good damage, has good extra effect and is super quick. Also, these… (Not as expensive build as interval, so you can get by with the regular gear setup.). And you will most surely be sharding your gear with Citrines, or HP shards. Deaden Nerves: Expensive, but not as much a Inner Harmony. So use this as often as you can, especially on bosses, as lower attack speed means the tank takes less damage and the cleric doesn't have to spam heals as much. Sometimes, you've gotta get a squad. While this works out well for Archers and the like. We are much more effective killing one at a time. In a nutshell, we assassins are not designed to take a hit at all. Level: 5-10, Shadow Walk: I'm sure you will use this often, especially if you PvP. Some people complain, about me not covering more of the high level aspects of the game, but, once you have your character into the high 70's, I feel you should have a pretty good understanding of what you are trying to do with your character. Ice Dragon – Spark Skill. Certain classes like, Psychic and Mystic may be a while. 2-Focused Mind: Increases your chance to evade an enemy skill by % for so many seconds. This is the main reason I have been putting this "Ultimate Assassin Guide" off. But only that. I am not ranking them for any specific style of build, just of usefulness in my mind. I am iffy on it. Absorbs % of physical melee damage by enemy. He is amazing DPS class in the game. Just not now. Many might say, "Hey, it's not a lot... it doesn't sound like a lot... heck, it sounds useless to me." Yup, this skill has a lot going for it. And this is Primary when we are talking about an Assassin. Deep Sting also works well if Tackling Slash is on cooldown. Good in a pinch. Peronally, I use the following combination: Tangling Mire - Subsea - Earthen Rift Sweep. Level: Negligible, Knife Throw: Short cooldown, ranged damage without using a bow, semi-pulling abilities, and a chance to interrupt channeling (70% at level 10 and 100% at Demon). +4 Dexterity (If you don't have the coin for good gear/shards, give yourself 20-30 vit), Endgame: Perfect World Mobile recently released the Assassin class, and we’re here to help guide you in your journey should you choose to explore the world as one of them. But IMO it's a fantastic skill to mix up with. However, I do know a PK sin my level who likes to piss people off by finishing them with the level 10 version of this skill. The powers that be only have the power of Fiat, the phrase, and if we only understood that, the folks together have a a lot, much louder voice. Genie skill: Occult Ice (optional). In Squads: You'll be the squad's insurance. Secondary role will usually be something along the lines of crowd control. Endgame: You'll realize later that moving those Vit points back to Dexterity will help significantly. You can run very quickly, you can teleport, and yes, you can go invisible folks. In the guide, You will get blade master class guides and tips for perfect world mobile games. Period... well not period, more like comma or semi-colon. Archer Mobs: Start off with Deep Sting, position yourself, then Tackling Slash to keep them in place. Blademaster The original article was deleted wholesale from PWI wiki blademaster talk page. It is a must have. This is gonna give me maximum damage output. Anyone want to correct me? ), Tackling Slash: There is currently a thread going on about whether this is worth leveling or not, so I shall say: We already have Dragon Strike which gives 1.5 sparks and Tackling Slash which gives 1/2 a spark. Used for the sleep effect. So if a BM is in your party, use this as soon as you see the dragons from HF, as that means more damage for everyone. My "Perfect Assassin" is unarmored with a Greatsword. But if you PK or PvP, it is a must have in my book. Demon skills portray longer stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes. But I would figure a Veno and an Archer is not too far off. 5-Windpush: Increases your movement speed by % for 10 minutes. Assassin’s Creed Perfect Odyssey Assassin’s Handbook Beginning of activity. 2-Deaden Nerves-Avoid one attack that would kill you within the next two minutes. Level: Negligible, Focused Mind: Personally, I rarely use this, but others swear by it. I know, I know, "Assassins are awesome! Especially if you have the coin to go interval, but we'll talk more about that later. 1-Tidal Protection: Maybe a endgame skill. Luckily, Bloodpaint is an AoE skill, so you just cast it when the cleric's casting buffs and you're good! Rib Strike: Your absolute best PvE skill and best defense against high APS opponents in PvP. Ultimate Perfect World Assassin Build Guide. For the longest time I have bucked the idea of starting an Assassin. It is quick, does decent damage and freezes your target for a good amount of time. This is a spark builder basically. The new class will be the symbol of speed, flexible and superior assassination capability. 8-Tackling Slash: deals a base damage + extra damage + immobilize for time. Due to your lack of strength, there is not other options here. And the slow is nice, but you will get other skills with that ability later. They must have a good genie mostly vit and magic based, occult ice, holy path,absolute domain, extreme poison, belief,will surge these are skills to be taken into account if u decide to become a pk pro. ^_^), Subsea Strike: Here's where we start to be able to do some AoE. ~Dex (Optional Vit) Build~ +1 Strength +4 Dexterity (If you don't have the coin for good gear/shards, give yourself 20-30 vit) Endgame: 5 Vitality (20-35 if you're poor) 5 Magic 117 Strength (so you can wear that Warsoul Helm) 400+ Dexterity Early game: Many will debate this stat build, and I don't blame them! 3-Deep Sting: Deals a base damage + extra damage + has a chance to sleep your target. The assassin class is the only class in perfect world that gives you the feel of a true ninja melee-ranged stealth fighter. It is a quick skill, but I would not bother leveling it until you have no other skill to level. We really can't take more than a few hits, so concentration is key when fighting mobs. Yup, I said it. They are squishy, they have low HP and you will find yourself running for your life plenty of time, especially 25-50. Debate is doing on whether its worth leveling for the damage or not. Otherwise there is no real need for it. Read more; Territory War Guide. Assassin Skills. Mostly a PvP skill, but has a few uses in PvE, namely the balls in TT. If a stat calculation ends up having a 0.5, you round DOWN. Assassins are not fighters, they are specialists. I do not find this one that great. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, More. Used by character(s): Edgerunner, Technician, Stormbringer, Duskblade, Mystic, Seeker, Cleric, Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Venomancer, Psychic, Wizard, Blademaster LV. I use this. Would be a good offensive genie skill. I would get it. Database Perfect World. An Assassin needs to kill fast. Otherwise there is no real need for it. Level: 10, Bloodpaint: Going to quote Taxi here: Below is how I break down my points: For a PvE build, I go with 1Str, 3Dex, and 1Vit every level, until I have 23Vit.

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