joplin globe archives

Keynote comments will' then be made by the Honorable Jerry on display at that time .in. Or it may be associated with widespread changes in weather circulation affecting the entire northern hemisphere. The youth awards program will take place at 4 p.m.. Sponsors say that adult livestock exhibitors may hold a that the January thaw is a fact, hot just dubious folklore, the National Geographic Society says. Sponsors of tlie show, primarily designed for youth exhibitors and judging teams, include Empire Feed Mills, Inc., Neosho; O'Brien Farms, Pine- Mike Surbrugg, Eiiitor 7B-.The Joplin Globe, Sunday, Jan. 14, 1973. Event Date. / Archives for Joplin Globe newspaper. The housing official, looking ahead to next fiscal year, said some 83,000 low-income families will be deprived of an estimated $1.25 billion in housing credit. - Ag Day, The annual Ag Day Barbecue an annual event of the Univer- .will begin at 11:30 a.m., in the sity of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, is set for Friday, Feb, 2, 1973, as the traditional fhiale to Agricultural Science Week, which begins at UMCJan, 29. : Food and fellowship, awards u u 1 .1. . This amazing new hard-bound book includes selected memorable Globe front pages and stunning images from our readers and The Joplin Globe archives. For winter wheat farmers, who planted their crop last fall for harvest next summer, the cancellation means they can plant spring crops such as sorghum, corn, soybeans and oats on their newly activated fields and still qualify for basic benefits under the wheat program. Alliance Opposes FHA Cutbacks By DON KENDALL AP Farm Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - The decision by the Nixon administration to cut back federally subsidized housing loans made to poor families by the. Joplin, MO (64801) Today. It was reported that considerable amounts of soybeans and other grains were shii^>ed out of Lamar last week to drying facilities in distant" locations. ' This database is a fully searchable text version of the newspaper for the following years: 1944-55 and 1958. It The Soviet Union bought more than 400 million bushels of wheat, more than one-fourth of the U.S. crop. The sun shines. Low 8F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight. This seed could be vital to the soy bean production in the area dur ing 1973. Studies by Ralph H. Frederick, a National Weather Service climatologist, indicate there may be two separate January thaws - one for the northeastern United States and another for the rest of the country. From 1607 to today. Event Date. More than half the loans made by FHA for housing have been Young Farmers Select Officers CARTHAGE, Mo, - Dale Wick-strom was recently elected to a second term as president of the Carthage Young Farmers Association. "It is incredible that the government, in the name of economy, puts the whole burden of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor," said Clay L. Cochran, executive director of the alliance. Four persons will constitute a team, with the lowest score being dropped. Joplin Missouri Obituary Archives. K a n ch , Seneca, and DeMeir Competition in the event is Limousm Ranch, Miami, Okla. Officials of the show state that the day will begin with enrollment of livestock judging teams at 7:30 a.m. on Feb, 24. Generator Session Slated Wednesday At Area Facility MOUNT VERNON, Mo. In a December sale the peak was $30-$30,50. High 38F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight. The change means that farmers in this category need not prepare the log, OSHA 100, the su{^lementary record, OSHA 101, nor prepare or post the summary, OSHA 102. "Toxic levels can build up, especially during rapid gi'owth Alumni and the Association wlU recognize four outstanding alumni of the College of Agriculture with citations of merit. JOPLIN GLOBE ARCHIVES. Services will be held at a later date. Joplin Globe 1909-2014 Newspaper Archive at FindMyPast . The thaw first appeal's over inland portions of the northwestern states and western Canada. Cloudy. Numerous area elevators this last week have seen trucks parked in lines awaiting to bring in crops, an unusual event for the middle of January, but then this has been an unusual harvest season. ; Start your membership to the world's premier newspaper archive now! Excerpt of the December 6, 1933 edition of the Joplin Globe featuring a story on the end of Prohibition. Officials at the stockyards say that the high prices for cattle and hogs are at these plateaus for different reasons. Myrna was born September 3, 1936, in Joplin, to the union of the late Earl and Naomi (Thompson) Shade. The newspapers can be browsed or … 1936 - 2021 Obituary. Browse the most recent Joplin, Missouri obituaries and condolences. Thaw Find Missouri? u.s. congressman for Livestock Center. Joplin Globe Classifieds Classifieds from the Joplin Globe newspaper. 1972 Was a 'Strong' Year At the Joplin Stoekyards Active and fully steady, solid, strong and gains were words frequently used during much of 1972 to describe the cattle and hog market at the Joplin Stockyards. He concludes by saying, "Cattle that have sufficient water, mineral mix, gram, and roughage usually do not encounter nitrate poisoning." Keyword. The ^ exhibit .j^ssouri's 6th District, The an-was produced for; the Missouri nual meeting of the Ag Alumni after a drouth stress. Editions Search Search Archive Specials Help Live News E-Notify Feedback Feedback / Rollback Puzzles Fit Logout . Read 1898-2018 Joplin Globe Newspaper Archives from Joplin, Missouri. FFA and 4-H groups seeking to enter the competition should contact Glenn Cole, a vocational agriculture instructor at the McDonald County High School: He states the livestock contest will consist of four beef classes and two sheep classes, with two sets of oral reasons. presented by-. They will not be divided by breed and must be shown with not over a half inch of wool. You are here: Obituaries > Missouri > Joplin > Joplin Globe. A free lunch will be served at the high' school; cafeteria at noon, with the fat lamb show to begin'at 12:30 p.m;, and will be followed by the steer and heifer show at 1 p.m! show of their own following the youth event. Mostly cloudy. - A short course for" horse owners by means of amplified telephone will be held at the University Extension Center in the Jasper County Courthouse here on Jan. 23 and 30, and Feb. 6, 13 and 20. Joplin, MO (64801) Today. Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. News Archive: Select an Item All Archive Items Most Recent Archive Item May 9, 2012 May 7, 2012 May 5, 2012 May 4, 2012 April 20, 2012 April 20, 2012 March 29, 2012 March 29, 2012 March 16, 2012 … Searching obituaries is a great place to … Myrna was born September 3, 1936, in Joplin, to the union of the late Earl and Naomi (Thompson) Shade. Congressman ,are the, college.. An honorary Ag 1948 and compared; with $1.32 ..pi^n^^^^^ A1 u m n i ^me'ihbership will be last July before jhe- full.- extent VKiehl, tlean' df the College' of. Joplin Globe newspaper was located in Joplin, Missouri. Editions Search Search Archive Specials Help Live News E-Notify Feedback Feedback / Rollback Puzzles Fit Logout H1 You are not viewing the latest available edition, would you like to load it now? Sign-Up Period Is Near CARTHAGE, Mo, - With signup m the 1973 feed grain and wheat programs slated to start next month, Jasper County producers have decisions to make, according to George Case, county chairman of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation committee, "In these coming weeks, each producer with a feed grain base or wheat allotment must make his individual decision on whether to participate in the programs, and if so, what plans to choose among those that are offered," Case says that normally between 60 to 70 per cent of the farmers in Jasper County participate in one or more of the programs. Safety, Health Act Changes to Benefit District Farmers A change in recordkeepii^ re-qurements of the Williams-Stei-ger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 has been made, which will benefit most area farmers. Join Now to Explore more exclusive content from all 50 States and 22 other Countries. period were studied, it would disappear. ' ........�......... ; The respite from wihter carries a reminder that spring eventually- will come and prepare Northerners for the rigors of February, perhaps the bleak- . In the city, drivers roll down their windows; mothers and chil- dren bask coatless in parks; soot-sprinkled snow disappears down drains. Joplin Missouri Obituary Archives. new highs, thus eating into the/ Mgher price received at the stockyards. During the year the hogs here gained some $8 per 100 pounds. movement of the soybeans extremely difficult, and the harvested crop is naturally wet. Officials state that steers will be divided into the following classes: under 850 pounds, 850-1,-05 0 pounds and over 1.050 pounds. The stiidy showed the midpoint of the thaw starting on Jan. 8 in Spokane, Washington, and reaching Jacksonville, Florida, on Jan. 19. of Directors, The' events will open' at' 9:30' T Alumni Livestock Center with faculty and department chairmen serving prime beef loin to the nearly 1,0op expected, guests, said Kiehl. 2.99+ billion articles and growing everyday! Only includes results from this Publication, Access to more than First Name. Joplin Globe Classifieds Classifieds from the Joplin Globe newspaper. The weather and a big. One of the proverbs that warns of warm periods in January goes, "If you see grass in January, lock your grain in the granary." Be that as it may, on Jan. 24, 1967, the temperature reached record highs of 68 in New York, 61 in Boston, 74 in Atlantic City, and 65 in Chicago. Persons may visit with company representatives about the generators following the formal program. Joplin Globe 1921-1958 . the : Ag ' " of foreign sales became knowii. Agriculture Department officials disclosed last week that FHA field offices had been ordered to take no more applications for loans with subsidized interest rates. The newspapers can be browsed or … Even ranchers and farmers in, the beef cattle business are find-, ing feed and hay supplements at. Has photo. p Soybeans P-R-O-B-l-E-M-S � LAMARi' Mo. While the thaw affords welcome relief from winter, farmers know that unseasonably early growth can be hurt by later freezes. Heifers will be divided by breed. Search Clear Search. Lunch will be provided by the Carthage Chamber of Commerce. IT'S A LEADER IN THE DISTRICT, SO, SHIP TO THE BEST, THE MAIN MARKET, [THE JOPLIN STOCKYARDS^ NATIONAL JOPLIN OWEN BROS. BURNEY-WILES IIVCSTOCK COMMISSION COMPANIES Joplin Stockyards "Livestock Capitd'ofthe 4-State Area'* MEMMR AMERICAN ST9CK YARDS ASSOCIATION J Farmers in Barton, Jasper and other ai-ea counties have continued to harvest soybeans through the snow. Share Video: Featured Video Stories - The second annual Graduate Institute of Cooperative Leadership is sched-' uled here for July 15-27, according to Elmer R. Kiehl, dean of the College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri-Columbia. which quickly measures the meat content of hve hogs. Sign-up will begin on Feb, 5 and conclude on March 16. Editions Search Search Archive Specials Help Live News E-Notify Feedback Feedback / Rollback Puzzles Fit Logout . February 7, 2021 By Brian Hauswirth. Cattle Clinic Slated In Arkansas County BENTONVILLE, Ark. - A special program will be held at the University of Missouri Southwest Center near here on Wednesday to explain the use of standby generators. Farmers and officials in the area report that because of a shortage of propane fuel suppliers have been unable to make deliveries when Uie gas is to be used to operate grain dryers. Keyword. Published in The Joplin Globe from 12/31/2008 - 1/2/2009. Ho states that a poor harvest and grain being sold overseas has combined to drive the feed price fanners must pay to feed swine and' cattle to all-time highs. A slight charge will be made. Ok Cancel. Equipment has frozen, making . While farming costs are increasing, at least the price received when livestock was marketed was also good for the most part during 1972. the yttp^. High 38F. T^gricultjim ; , J ^ , ,:; Board . Trophies will be awarded to the first and second place PPA teams, first and second 4-H teams, high youth individual and second high youth individual. Search, read, clip & save 5.6 billion names from 2.98 billion newspaper articles. breeding stock. Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High 23F. In the country, sheep vent'ire iiito the lii^ow and nibble at a streak of; sodden 'grass, bees emerge ' frdm their dark hive and buzz/tentatively about the entrance; a few birds start premature nest-building. Editions; Account; Help; Contact; Activate Digital Access; Puzzles; Comics; Print … Low 8F. The session will actually begin at 10 a.m, with various U,S, Department of Agriculture agencies operating in jasper County reports to be presented. Joplin Daily Globe 1909-1914 Newspaper Archive at FindMyPast . However, youths and adults will not be in direct competition for regular show honors. Missouri House committee to hear testimony Monday on gun bill involving churches. They state that hog prices remain high because there is a shortage of animals. JOPLIN, Mo. Neosho Myrna L. Martz, 84, of Neosho, passed away Monday, February 8, 2021. Joplin, MO (64801) Today. Several Events Planned For Traditional Ag Day COLUMBIA, Mo. gives you access to more than 2.17+ billion historical newspaper articles and this number is growing everyday. est month. "The grazing privilege will assist Uvestock producers in meeting increasing consumer demand for meat products by making additional forage available to supplement feed supplies," the department said. It is classified as a "singularity," a condition that tends to occur on or near a specific date more frequently than chance would indicate. All exhibits in the show,; cattle and sheep, should be in place by 8 a.m., with judging contests to begin at 8:30 si.m. Short Course Set For Horse Owners CARTHAGE, Mo. Access to more than 2.17+ billion historical newspaper articles! Because of this problem, officials are urging farmers who were able to harvest soybeans earlier this year and still have the crop in storage to conside.'' Joplin Globe newspaper was located in Joplin, Missouri. , Other research has placed the northeastern thaw around the third week in January. If you don't find your ancestor in the Joplin Globe archive you might try … . JOPLIN GLOBE ARCHIVES Showmanship trophies v/ill also be presented to the best exhibitors 15 years old and older, and 14 years old and under. This database is a fully searchable text version of the newspaper for the following years: 1944-55 and 1958. He also says that swine farmers with the newest equipment and facihties are ah-eady operating at peak co-pacity and are unable to increase production, even with higher markets, , In the cattle market, the official says more animals are being slaughtered now than ever before, and that the higher prices at stockyards is the result of strong consumer demands. JOPLIN, Mo. Kiehl will preside at the dedication of the Animal-Science Ret search Center. barbecue, an Outstanding Family Farm Man- a,m. The hog market is also still reflecting the strength of 1972, and at historical highs. Grain-Cattle Production To Grow? ; B & B hereon^Feb, 24. Fat lambs will be separated with one group under 100 pounds and another over 100 pounds. The session is open to all interested persons at no cost, and will begin at 10 a.m. Each session will begui at 7:30 p.m. and last about two hours, according to Dow Jenkins, area hvestock speciahst. Low 8F. The sun shines-Meteorologists generally agree Four-State livestocit Sliow WASHINGTON (AP) -Stunned by the sharpest rise. Editions; Account; Help; Contact; Activate Digital Access; Puzzles; Comics; Print … / Archives for Joplin Globe newspaper. 1 million Historical Newspaper Pages, Explore the World's Largest Newspaper Archive, Includes Results from 7,386+ Current & Historical newspaper titles. Cloudy. Scientists speculate that the warm spell is caused by an offshoot or series of off-shoots of the Aleutian low-pressure cell - a semi-permanent low-pressure area that lies off the Aleutian Islands in winter. Published in The Joplin Globe on February 11, 2021 Myrna L. Martz. Officials of the agency said, however, that the $2,1 billion housing program would operate at near volume for the fiscal year ending June 30 because higher-income applicants paying regular commercial interest rates are expected to fill tiie void. At one sale at the local yards in January, 1972, slaughter hogs peaked at $22 to $22.25. Joplin, MO (64801) Today. In December, wheat averaged open to all 4-H and Future Farmers of America members in the Four-State area. Farmers with drying equipment have also been made aware of the fuel shortage. Farmers seeking information about substitution possibilities and other provisions about the various programs may meet with county ASC officials prior to the sign-up time. Fat Lamb Show - Ribbons to the first five places in each class and champion and reserve champion trophies. Fred-, erick believes this waii;m spell is a separate movement that continues over the Atlantic Ocean, where long-term temperature records are unavailable. explains this seed; will produce w^^, pjaihts,' . If ,an adult judgmg contest takes place, NEO medals will be presented to the first, second and third top individuals' Shows and awards will include: Steers - Ribbons to the first 10 places in each class and champion and reserve champion trophies. Editions Search Search Archive Specials Help Live News E-Notify Feedback Feedback / Rollback Puzzles Fit Logout . The afternoon program will include talks on irrigation and explanations of forage testmg programs conducted at the university's Southwest Center near Mount Vernon. : WASHINGTON; D.C. - If the January thaw didn't exist, man somehow would have to invent it.' Please click here to login. Neosho Myrna L. Martz, 84, of Neosho, passed away Monday, February 8, 2021. The agency made up the difference between the low rate chai'ged the borrower and the cost to the government. If high nitrate concentrations are suspected in hay; or forage, a sample should be analyzed to determine any dangerous accumulation," he advises. Editions Search Search Archive Specials Help Live News E-Notify Feedback Feedback / Rollback Puzzles Fit Logout . The government reports that as a result of the change, an employer who has no more than seven employes at any one time during the calendar year immediately preceding the current calendar year need not comply with any of the requirements of recordkeeping except concerning fatalities or multiple hospitalization accidents. Officials announced the move following the disclosure eai-lier by the government that wholesale farm products, including meat and other food products, jumped 6.8 per cent in December. From 10 till 11:30 a.m. the Research Center will be open tor tours, and coffee will be served in 'the Livestock Center, Kielil said. She was a 1954 graduate of Joplin … Last Name. Published in The Joplin Globe on February 11, 2021 Myrna L. Martz. Wheat producers must determine whether they want additional set-aside beyond that required for participation. He will be followed at 11 a.m, by Dr. Einar Palm, plant pathologist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, who will talk about diseases on row crops. Following, the. Adding to the complicated pic- ture of livestock production across the country, the spcdces-man says, is the hvestock feed cost increase. Joplin Globe 01/27/2005 to Current Genealogy Bank . Jones says that the quality of recently harvested soybeans for germniation is low. Already a member? Joplin, MO (64801) Today. Members of the conference committee in addition to Smith include Alvin Radford, Floyd Youngblood, Gene Huff and Larry Potter. Various cooperatives across the country nominate personnel from their organizations to attend the institute, and the final enrollment is selected from these nominations. Browse 1918 Joplin Globe at the world's leading resource of historical newspaper archives in 1918! Search Joplin Globe newspaper archives with birth, death, marriage and divorce records from Joplin, Missouri on April 24, 1981, p. 14. Visit the Buy Print button to finish your order. He notes that fields of fescue, orchardgrass and sorghum-sudan hybi^ds should not be execessive-ly fertiUzed with chemicals or poutry litter. He says the high moisture content is the problem. The Four-State Livestock Show is a non-profit organization for the purpose of promoting greater interest in the production of high quahty livestock in the area. Dave Woods of The Joplin Globe in Joplin, Mo., talks about the aftermath of a three-quarter-mile wide tornado that tore through the town of about 50,000 on Sunday. He and Richard J. Aldrich, associate dean of the College and associate director of the UMC Agricultural Experiment Station,Will then un-Veil a plaque for the center. Area Farmer Wins Corn Yield Awards WEBB CITY, Mo.-John Larson, area farmer, is being presented with special awai'ds by Funk Seeds International, Inc., for his corn yields in a program conducted by the company, Larson reported yields ranging from 103,7 bushels per acre to a top of 139,2 bushels ushig various types of hybrid seed sold by the company. Some statisticians maintain, however, that the January thaw is a chance occurrence; and if records covering a long enough ment said. , The one-day shpw will be held in the agriculture exhibition building, which is nearing construction completion at the McDonald County High School. Persons desiring to enroll in the courses should contact their county extension center. Further, Cochran said, the FHA decision will mean a loss' of 80,000 man-years of employment and $3.75 billion in spending which would have been generated by all sources in rural communities if the program had continued. Cloudy. 1936 - 2021 Obituary. Analyzing temperature records for a 30-year period, Frederick traced the movement of the January warm period south-eastwards across large areas of the United States. The Joplin Globe - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones. Searching obituaries is a great place to … Search Joplin Globe newspaper archives with birth, death, marriage and divorce records from Joplin, Missouri on December 8, 1983, p. 21. Keihl is chairman of the Institute, The first institute was held in Columbia last July with 43 cooperative leaders from across the U.S. attending the two-week event. export demand have sent grain and oil seed prices soaring, particularly for wheat. Once the Great Depression hit in 1929, economies needed a boost, the government needed tax dollars, and, perhaps, weary Americans just needed a drink. His latter contention, however, was disputed by FHA officials who explained that housing loans will continue almost on target: The difference, they said, is the loans now vrill go to higher-income families instead of poor applicants. A selection of 31 photographs, entitled "Native Prairies of Missouri," by Leland Payton will be Prairie Foundation, sponsored by the UMC Extension Division. February 7, 2021 By Brian Hauswirth. Cattle Nitrate Poisoning Voted in Benton County BENTONVILLE, Ark.-Cattle-men in Benton County have reported problems with nitrate poisoning this year in vai7ing degrees, ranging from difficulty in breathuig in some cattle to 22 head dyuig on one farm, Lam-ence Sistrunk, assistant Benton County extension agent, says these losses can be prevented with farm maintenance pj-ocedures. But, he continues to say, today the hog busmess has become more sophisticated and the capital investment to enter the business is consderable. The contest will limit one team per school, but will have no hmit on the number of individuals participating. The Joplin Globe newspaper archives from Officials with the Jasper County ASC office stated late last week that the sign-up dates are still in effect. The formal portion of the program is to end at noon. From 1607 to today! CareerOneStop Sponsored by the Department of Labor this site provides national, state, and local career, labor market, … Officials from Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College will be in charge of the judging contests. Search, read, clip & save 5.6 billion names from 2.98 billion newspaper articles. Joplin Brandon Sun 2013 Newspaper Archive at FindMyPast . It spills over the mountains and moves across the country to the Gulf of Mexico. Search Joplin Globe newspaper archives with birth, death, marriage and divorce records from Joplin, Missouri on January 14, 1973, p. 10. Joplin Globe (Newspaper) - January 14, 1973, Joplin, Missouri The Agriculture Department announced the move last week, including a removal of a ban against allowing livestock to graze on idled acres "set aside" under government control- programs for wheat and feed grain. Low 8F. . Thursday, 01/01/2009. ^ . Dow Jenkins, area livestock specialist, will speak at 10:30 a.m. on "Improving Beef Cattle." CareerOneStop Sponsored by the Department of Labor this site provides national, state, and local career, labor market, … He notes that domestic and exotic breeds of cattle will both be at the show for display and judging purposes. Participants in the feed grain set-aside program will decide whether to sign up for the 30 per. Whaley, Melvin. Unusually severe weather last fall hampered harvests of corn and soybeans and caused undetermined losses to those and other late crops. in farm wholesale prices in 26 years, the Nixon administration has canceled a requirement that farmers must take land from production of wheat in hopes of boosting grain and livestock production this year. It also could mean that farmers who produce spring-planted wheat will increase their acreage substantially. And,';f combining beans above and through the snow covered fields in sub;freezing temperatures" is-not enough of a problem, farmers have also found other worries once the crop, JS out of the field. JOPLIN, MO - James A. Courtney, 78, a retired elementary art teacher for Joplin Schools, passed away Thursday, February 4, 2021. (AP) — One man is in custody in connection with a fatal shooting in Joplin, and police continue searching for a second suspect. Ok Cancel. testing it for germination. Other newly elected officers include Phil Blankenship, vice president; Jim Powell, secretary; Don Quade, treasurer; Raymond Peters, reporter, and Charles Youngblood, sentinel, Jim Honey, Carthage High School vocational agriculture instructor, serves as the group'.s advisor. Fred Crawford, extension ag engineer, will be in charge of the morning program. Joplin Globe 1944-55 and 1958 (Joplin… .Because of;this and.the situation he predicts that-'"good soybean seed will be a premium" next year. The Joplin Globe newspaper archives from Cloudy. JOPLIN, Mo. Also on display will be UMC's Electronic Meat Measuring Eqiiiproent, better known as EMME. She was a 1954 graduate of Joplin … The Joplin Globe - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones. Reservations for the class of 1968 reunion may be made with George Jesse, 132 Mumford Hall, at UMC, according to Duane C, Wolf, Riverside, Calif., class president. He. Officials state that the market was generally an enjoyable place for area farmers and ranches brmgmg Uvestock to the sales. The pens will be at the show and set up and be available for use at no cost to the exhibitor. The orders also curtailed "until further notice" new loans and grants to build farm-labor housing and rental projects. (AP) — A man who won a Joplin City Council seat in April has resigned after city officials contended he couldn't serve because of a past felony conviction. One official notes that some years ago all farmers had two to four sows, and when the price climbed he simply saved more gilts and the volume of hogs going to market quickly responded [ICOMEW/ to the higher prices and demands. Read Joplin Globe Newspaper Archives, Jun 3, 1966, p. 13 with family history and genealogy records from joplin, missouri 1898-2018. Throughout the year cattle remained strong, except for a few mild recessions the result of drought, weather or hoUday markets. Glen A. Weir, associate administrator of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, said he had no estimate on how farmers might react as a result of the acre-release or-dw. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight. Prohibition was repealed in 1933. Tickets for Ag Day, said kiehl, are available at country extension centers, in departments of the College of Agricul-tuer, and from the dean's office, 2-69 Agriculture Building, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Mo.

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