I understand this sort of devotion although I’m much more cautious these days. He would be remiss if he didn’t pronounce on “Holy Love Ministries” activity. I do not come for My welfare but for your own. Does Bishop Lennon have ‘serious concerns’ about his pattern of lying that has been documented from his time in Boston where he participated fully in the cover up of literally thousands of sexual abuse cases and which continued here in Ohio? Who should God Himself obey if He has no superiors? The Mother of God would have her true sons and daughters know the difference too. Much private revelation which is worthy and poignant to these harrowing times is being subdued by erroneous – even rash judgments.”, “Such is the case here in this Mission which I have come to defend. If you look at the fruits of it in my family, the “fruits” from years of following the messages ended in a divorce, an absentee father, and myself and mom suffering from PTSD from the emotional and psychological abuse. People are making excuses, ignoring abnormalities and rejecting Church teaching and authority. I suggest you read Aquinas on obedience instead. If one reads Lennon’s Decree carefully, there is a LOT more going on in it than how some are arguing it. In his decree of November 11, 2009 Bishop Lennon made it clear that because of a number of issues it was necessary to forbid priests to celebrate the sacraments at the site of the Holy Love shrine and that the faithful are admonished to “cease gathering” there. The more you try to live these Messages, the more I will help you. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Your Mother Mary is so wedded to God and you will find His peace through allowing her to lead you to Her Heart where she has untold graces just for you. Sweeney-Kyle’s logic of “ecumenical ministry” does not hold water when weighed against Church doctrine and law. And again, if you are questioning such an orthodox, fundamental concept it only goes to prove that you are very mixed up. Only three are listed on the HLM Testimonies page. (2) The Pope is infallible in all he says and does. When we use our free will to do as God asks us , it is called cooperating with grace. Find what you read and tell me, okay? If this is of God, it won’t go away, as we are told in scripture. the Church still reserves judgement, as it has not officially condemned HLM. ... from which fell in the chalice some drops of Blood. You may enjoy this one: http://rcspiritualdirection.com/blog/. Where I live, there were many families traveling across several states to go to HL. Perhaps you didn’t know that what you said wasn’t true. If Pope Benedict XVI came out tomorrow and said no Catholics are to go to Holy Love because he has deemed that it is not of supernatural origin, would you obey or would you continue to go? He cut out people who questioned or criticized Holy Love. what might be going on at all these apparition sites is being done as Amos the the prophet stated in ch 3 lines 7&8.. read read read. That is exactly what it equals. What happens if one day your Bishop told his diocesan priests that they are forbidden to celebrate mass from now on? The bishop has a responsibility for all Catholics of his diocese and any who travel to and through his diocese per Canon Law. In the past ten years I have been there twice. You see, you just do not get it. It behooves each of us to be fortified in the knowledge of what our Faith really teaches. Condemnation of what is said at HLM cannot happen canonically, for, in order for that to happen, Holy Love Ministries would have to manifest heresy. I used to look through the Holy Love website to try to familiarize myself with some of the messages so I could effectively discuss it with my friends who are avid devotees. (Titus1:10) as they no longer speak on behalf of teh Church but become representatives of their own novelty. I think the Decree speaks for itself and there is no need to elaborate upon this matter. Do you not know that it is through our free will choices that we sin? It is employed when the competent ecclesiastical authority decides a claim to be “constat de non supernaturalitate” (does not consist of the supernatural). Holy Love is teaching what the bishops should be teaching. That should give you a clue that you are on the wrong path. I am in no way affiliated with it. Defense of Holy Love Ministries is defense of the Catholic Faith. “Today, I have come to ask your total detachment from the opinions of others. The error is in hearts that oppose the gospel and the graces which support it here.”. I am speaking about bishops who guide their sheep into error. I have seen that more than once with my own eyes, I have seen priests take parishioners on a long trip to visit that abomination. The corruption within the Church is so evident for all to see. Remember what Joan of Arc went through with bishops. Elsewhere, in these responses, I posted “The Wanderer’s” response which was something to the effect that “The Wanderer” is not indexed but they could not recall such a story so they were unable to confirm that information. Using St. Joan of Arc as an example would be an arguing point if we were discussing Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, the supposed visionary, but we’re not talking about her. There is nothing being preached there against the Faith.. Instead they gave the Medjugorie question to an independent committee. Bishops, as in the case of England, have led entire countries astray…Our belief is in Christ and his Church, not in the changing opinions of bishops. But only time will tell, and we will know the Truth some day, maybe in heaven if we are determined by our life and prayers and faithfulness to the Church to go there. I pray for friends of mine that also are addicted to the place and see nothing odd, no internal warnings at all, let alone disobeying the Bishop. The chambers of the heart spoken about at Holy Love Ministries is indicative of entering more deeply into union with God. Lest this get buried below, here is my response to 3221 re the “condemnation” of the Bayside events. Recently some friends went on a pilgrimage from North Dakota to Ohio to visit the Holy Love Ministries site where messages and apparitions to a housewife have been reported to be occurring for twenty years. The Church is not a democracy; the Bishop doesn’t “owe” you an explanation. “For there will arise false Christs and false prophets. Their finite minds could not grasp His meaning, and their mistake was not in trusting Him. I ask God to bless you and all involved in the conversations about your article. That doesn’t work with me. Thank you for posting that. This kind of subtle and not-so-subtle message has been going on for decades at this place, slowly infecting the minds and hearts, the SOULS of Catholics. As far as being angry or bitter, as I have said, we see in others what we ourselves are. God will bring out the truth. Without free will there would be no sin. James McManus had some words about this phenomenon amongst “traditionalists.” May I suggest him to all interested parties? They know what the Faith is, but soon God will bring them to Heaven. What are the names of these bishops? I take my hat off to you! I don’t know how to accomplish it, but this is where the problem lies., in my opinion. People pray and love God and God answers prayers. Your name kind of rings a bell. Peace to all. It behooves us all to remember that Joan of Arc, now Saint Joan, was condemned by the bishops to eternal flames for believing in a false appartition. …And, since Bishop Lennon wrote his letter, no other bishops and no other clerics have endorsed HLM. Resist him, firm in faith” (1 Pet. I am not one of the editors and have no such control over this conversation. It is outside of the Church’s teaching and practice and nothing more. They were also there in Christ’s day. The Bishop’s subjects (you and me) are bound to obey him “within the sphere of his authority.” Are you actually claiming that the Bishop of his diocese has no authority to declare whether a place is operating within the Catholic faith? You seem, LizEst, to have trouble with figures of speech. He told his followers to do as they say but not as they do. Bishops have upheld heresy. You seem to keep getting lost in trying to get others to explain what’s wrong with HL, or what’s wrong with the “messages, or the country’s terrible bishops. “Any Catholic who gives their primary attention to alleged private revelation at the expense of Sacred Scripture, the teaching of the Church (especially the Catechism), sacramental practice, prayer and fidelity to Church authority is off course.”, He warned, “The running after spiritual phenomena, such as alleged revelations, is condemned by St. John of the Cross as spiritual avarice. I am curious to know where Bishop Lennon stands on defending our treasured Faith. Yet, as an ecumenical ministry it found time and space in many of its printed materials to rail against the Church. This in an age when the authentic doctrine of the Catholic Church is slowly dying out, when two generations of Catholics have been deprived of the true doctrine and knowledge that is the Revelation of the Word of God, our Savior Jesus Christ. I am wondering whether bishop Lennon is an orthodox bishop or not. As author Dan Burke warns, we have blind spots when it comes to ourselves. “Primacy of conscience trumps blindly following disobedient bishops.” You do realize, don’t you, that this is exactly the same reasoning used by those who claim the right to reject certain teachings of the Church. So, instead, the devil uses a Catholic facade to lure them in. The silence they are effecting when they should proclaim loudly the teachings of the Church speaks clearly of the lack of support fo the Holy Father and his magisterium. We have two generations of unformed and misinformed Catholics due to the neglect, defiance, and disbelief of bishops in this country. Too often, after apparitions are condemned people feel betrayed and give up on God and the Church. People bring their holiness with them, so prayers and love of God is usually present. I really don’t advise these places for most folks. HLM is there for all those whose Faith has been thwarted, perverted and destroyed by the very poor catechesis the bishops of this country have perpetrated fore over 40 years. The bishops condemned Joan of Arc. Rather, it is sin that keeps a soul from holiness. God warns us about judging others and I think he means it. It is my patrimony from God. You might wish to review the meaning of the these theological terms. In the same decree he did ‘forbid’ any priests from saying Mass on HLM property. The Bishop of a diocese is not the last word on any apparition. All heresies are expelled from her, like the useless loppings pruned from a vine. This is the error of relativism. Once again, thank you for your witness and speaking boldly and clearly for the Church. This happens when other legitimate actions done by the alleged “suppressor” are brought up in a negative way (example: Bishop Lennon closing parishes). Despite all the usual Catholic trappings — chapel, statues, rosaries and religious bookstore, not to mention the throngs from across the country and globe — the purported visions by Maureen Sweeney-Kyle have been condemned. Remaining silent in the face of heresy is one way to be heretical. God does not act this way with His Church. OK, so now it is heresy to declare the Holy Love apparitions to be not supernatural??? (Summa Theologica 11-11Q.104). It sought approval through official channels for several years, but instead, in 1999, the Catholic diocese issued a statement urging extreme caution. I will pray for you also. Condemnation is an officially canonical act and the Church has very specific guidelines for enacting it. Sad but true. Should a visionary obey ANYONE because of title? My point was that 3221 is throwing things out as fact, without confirming and verifying such. 1) S/he doesn’t believe that the Bishop actually has condemned the site, therefore. I have also contacted the Mother Teresa Center and am waiting for their response. I lost my father to this place simply because the visionary and other devoted followers made him feel special and important. But obviously, his Bishop did not have good intentions. No. Perhaps his use of the phrase “admonish the faithful to cease gathering for any religious, liturgical, spiritual or devotional purposes” suggests something otherwise to you? I can’t and because of this I will continue to pray the Rosary, spread it, follow the messages, go to Mass, go to confession and adoration as much as I can. Holy Mother Church is indeed wise. PrairieHawk, I have asked you to SPECIFICALLY point at least one error in HLM teachings. Described her to me then was announced the message and what she was wearing. We consecrate ourselves to God. Never was a true visionary told he or she did not have to obey Catholic authority. But that does not prove an authentic apparition. True…and why should anyone obey Peter either, since He denied Christ three times? The “little known text” you refer to is perhaps little known because it is nothing short of heresy. To be repulsed by Holy Love Ministries is to be repulsed by the true doctrine of the Catholic Faith. You are bound to obey the Bishop of Cleveland whether you like it or not. No way. When that Faith is diluted, distorted, and/or not taught, you no longer have the true Church. ~~. That bishop also prevented a lot of people from being saved. HLM says it isn’t a Catholic organization. You would either have to be authentic and your announcement would be fulfilled or a fool. The apparitions at LaSalette–approved by the Church–contain a prophecy by Mary that the anti-Christ will sit on the throne of St. Peter in Rome–look it up if you do not believe me. In preventing the faithful from going there, he is thwarting the spread of the true Faith in an age where there are few places to get it. Either we accept the authority of the Church, or we reject it. Such people will not be attracted to obvious evil. NOTICE: Please be advised that the Divine Mercy Sunday Apparition at Holy Love Ministries has been postponed. I repeat: Bishop Lennon has only ‘advised’ ‘warned’ and ‘counseled’ his disapproval of HLM. Read works written by St. Thomas Aquinas. In combination with Mary’s heart that would make ten chambers. Your statement is wrong if you are asserting that if a bishop–even the bishop of jurisdiction– claims that nothing supernatural is happening it equals a condemnation. It is hard for me to grasp the influence of the Ohio diocese attempt to stop pilgrims from going to Holy love, which is a Ecumenical Ministrry for all people and all nations. His disapproval of HLM does not nullify HLM’s veracity. Unless Pope Benedict XVI overrules Bishop Lennon on the matter of Holy Love, we are bound to obedience. In order to protect their souls. Many, really do not know what they are doing. My argument did not win him over. It is just that simple. That’s what we’re all talking about here. She HAS judged and you are told to stay away. I do not know what I said Harry. Too often, if an alleged apparition is condemned people feel betrayed and give up on God and the Church. The fruits will show that this is from heaven and the good that comes out of it will yes, indeed, “SAVE SOULS!” We need all the help we can get now and may the author of this sad Catholic doctrine is Catholic doctrine. His bishop told him to not affiliate himself with HLM, but he too disobeyed. That’s even funnier! ( I keep asking the following question but I never get an answer from the scoffers who write here: If your bishop tells you that the Holy Eucharist is only God during Mass, so disregard the Sacred Species otherwise, will you do so so that you can feel truly ‘obedient’?) Daily Bible Readings, Audio and Video Every Morning | USCCB “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth” (“Fides et Ratio” Encyclical Letter On the Relationship between Faith and Reason, Pope John Paul II, 1998). The ‘Dialogues’ is St. Catherine of Siena’s profound spiritual work and is accepted by the Church as indeed she is a Doctor (teacher) of the Church. Kibeho, Rwanda. It is 3221’s responsibility to have the information handy. Re: your reference to The Imitation of Christ. We have a similar situation in your trouble with ‘consecration to the Cross’. I’m still awaiting word from the Mother Teresa Center. Christ DEPENDS on us to be His Hands, His Voice, His Presence in this world that needs Him so much. Thank you for clarifying, Kevin. it is NOT CONDEMNATION,NOR DOES IT FORBID persons to go there. An admonition is not a dictate.”, 3221 believes that the “Blessed Virgin Mary” told them all on 11/18/09 (after Bishop Lennon’s Decree): “In the case of this particular apparition, no legitimate investigation was ever done. she was betrayed by one of her own. He has issued a warning. I understand the attraction, but I’m not understanding that people are rejecting Church authority and facts. These are people willing to travel great distances and do whatever else it takes to bask in love and graces from heaven. Wish my parish would be so eager to do this. A condemnation would be spelled out as a condemnation. The apparitions are real. You ask, Patti, ‘When in the history of the Church has the Blessed Mother operated outside of the Church?’ Well, I ask you, ‘When in the history of the Church has the institutional hierarchy so failed to teach and preserve the Faith that 70% of Catholics neither go to Mass nor understand the Real Presence Jesus in the Holy Eucharist?’ When one grasps the heresy and corruption riddling the ‘American Church’ as it is called today, one can well understand Our Mother’s defense of the true Faith by circumventing that corruption through a perfectly legitimate canonical move. Oh, there are always some of those, but for the most part, people are motivated by their love of God and their desire to experience Him in their lives to a greater degree. What I discovered about the virtue of obedience from both of these eminently reliable sources surprised even me, although my instincts led me in this direction. Catherine of Sienna” told them all on 11/18/09 (after Bishop Lennon’s Decree): “Do not be fooled to believe you are not allowed to come.”, 3221 believes that “Jesus Himself said on 11/13/09 (after Bishop Lennon’s Decree): “My brothers and sisters, you must not place OFFICE and AUTHORITY and TITLE above the TRUTH.”, 3221 believes that “St. First, I would like to thank you for the sincere and humble tone of your article. I would suggest that you get a sound Catholic priest to help you sort things out. Peace be with you! See this message from Papa God: You also are so obsessed with Church law that you are missing what the Church is suffering.. Again, I learned this from Aquinas, The Church is where the true Faith is. There is a consistent argument in these comments concerning the nature of “condemnation” from “admonish/warn.” I think it is necessary to delve into this matter. Some Catholics voted for Obama because their Bishop told them it was all right. He shows with admirable clarity that the mark of a truly faithful Catholic can be a refusal to submit to heretical or compromising bishops. 8/9/93 from “Our Lady”: “There is no peace, save in the grace of My Heart.” This is contrary to our faith. By the logic used here, since Joan was disobedient for continuing to claim her apparitions were real, and so she was in the wrong for listening to demonic voices. (meaning ‘every wrong that has been done to you’). I love your site. I come from Boston where the Church refused to be transparent with us on child sex abuse. Whether or not you can find the source, it is a true a account. (3) I may never criticize any Superior under any circumstances. Also, what you interpreted about those messages shows that your thinking is clearly boggled. May God be with you; I’ve said all I have to say. At the age of 14, my father took me to see Maureen and to receive a personal message. Do you hear yourself? From the book: “…the demon is always actively watching people and he gets pleasure when he see that they are not faithful to God and, as a result, take his side…He wants humankind to rebel against God as well, and this is the one ‘accusation’ that he can level against an individual at the Last Judgment that has the most weight” (in Chapter 14, Windows to the Soul). It is not inconceivable to me that when tens of thousands of people gather in one place to praise God and pray the Rosary (like at Conyers, or other alleged sites) that perhaps God does indeed manifest Himself there in some greater way regardless of whether or not the “visionary” is authentically representing Him; and that therefore people will leave those places with some kind of sign, greater awareness, spiritual healing,etc.. And what did Padre Pio do when the Bishop ordered him to stop? But I suspect that if the Bishop had used whatever wording this person thinks are proper for a condemnation, s/he still would refuse to obey him because. Holy Love is no different than Jesus time when it was the devote Jew and those in authority that had the hardest time accepting Him. I pray daily for wisdom and dicernment. Yes, if we use our free will to sin,we, in effect, tie God’s Hands. As I searched the Code (and the Pastoral Companion to the Code), I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how it might be listed. Will this make you feel okay about it.? Seers themselves duped, and its 83-acre site of Maranatha Spring in Ohio to?. All, Jesus and his Mother work around it – heaven approves monies taken him! Pretty realistic looking reproductions of the apparitions there are a fruit of the many followers respond to the fullness the! Themselves and God holy love apparitions prayers priests etc and unethical use of the Divine mercy Sunday apparition Holy! 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