0000012834 00000 n 0000027328 00000 n :4���;ϊ��U���eބB��K�/ �����{VA�h���W9*� ��P�G�'�t���i`T���Hδ,q��c�(�{r�3����i)+9��}�"�F�=��NM~0E�V$�U4� �J�l��o �x�G�*�#�gAgt��8ce2Z����vޛ�L3�(�5�R�y~�c�A�0��ҹ9I3�E�ي�J�H�O^*���eb2��)ꥏu����[*4��x�$/�M`�S[ �%1Ua�2�Mo_��V=�hrY?��ȩR�Sֵcdžf g�m^3�+�U�T��}����яUB��]�⁛#p�Q��K�/�Aq�e�s�x?����F�I+���]��2�Dŋm)T�eqk �4� ��!GY[�p���=xE� >�6-"o\�E���[�i�z^)�tϩ���2����K�.�FnR�����\�gljp �O0��6���]����iJ���$��sJ��&I���@�$ B��H��efۻ��jQ�����LQ�9Ua�O�d�'��s������,�18�]H7�^��H����RJ(���l�wV�i*��kB�v1�_g�����ǂG�ڔ�� ����Z4`4����?U�e�y.F�J7 #�r�V��DOh}f��!jGR�tY�y.�~*��3�����I��)�tk�]����G������3�݇. 0000023891 00000 n The Code of Ethics is a detailed document that spells out the professional responsibilities of every REALTOR®. 0000011552 00000 n 0000029833 00000 n 0000020370 00000 n 0000313874 00000 n 0000020673 00000 n 0000308090 00000 n 0000028428 00000 n 0000052956 00000 n 0000061192 00000 n 0000021415 00000 n If you arenât experienced in this sort of writing, it may be best to work from a template or have a real estate professional draft an LOI for you. 0000016069 00000 n 0000030928 00000 n Parcel number: 405-04-004. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. 0000041701 00000 n 0000006003 00000 n Only eight percent of recent home sales were NON-MLS sales again this year. 0000039922 00000 n 0000033474 00000 n 0000007585 00000 n 0000010850 00000 n 0000035626 00000 n 0000057390 00000 n 0000013759 00000 n 0000009749 00000 n Many times, laws regarding vacant homes are available online at a local government Web site or at a local municipal building. 0000046398 00000 n 0000015114 00000 n 0000309338 00000 n Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. 0000047729 00000 n Whether you are seeking the help of a professional REALTOR®, or just want to peruse some properties, you've come to the right place. The seller has, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. 0000028223 00000 n 0000061083 00000 n 0000035604 00000 n 0000004310 00000 n 0000032560 00000 n 0000025311 00000 n 0000312322 00000 n 0000046013 00000 n Vacant Land Contract FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® 1 2* 3* 4 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* 15 16* 17* 18* 19 20* 21 22* 23* 24* 25 26* 27* This data is copyrighted and may not be transmitted, retransmitted, copied, framed, repurposed, or altered in any way for any other site, individual and/or purpose without the express written permission of the Multiple Listing Service of the Pensacola Association of REALTORS®. 2. 0000017640 00000 n 0000026506 00000 n 0000026319 00000 n Our inventory is qualified. 0000011930 00000 n 0000055459 00000 n 0000062807 00000 n In response to concerns about COVID-19, NAR is providing this guidance to help REALTORS® respond to the coronavirusâ potential impact on the real estate industry. EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE = RESULTS!! 0000017439 00000 n Check with the local municipality 0000320392 00000 n 0000067206 00000 n 0000028940 00000 n 0000014589 00000 n 0000013224 00000 n 0000042572 00000 n 0000030136 00000 n 0000031476 00000 n 0000016594 00000 n 0.42 Acres of Vacant Land in Yavapai County, AZ. The main cross streets nearby are Kerry Road and Wikkiup Drive. Step 4: Close. 0000023588 00000 n 0000030345 00000 n 0000022762 00000 n 0000025106 00000 n 0000312233 00000 n 0000009726 00000 n 0000018444 00000 n 0000024406 00000 n 0000310670 00000 n 0000310560 00000 n
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