... to the high, at $14 and more. First, remember to make sure that the centre point of the first joist is not more than 450mm away from the centre point of the next joist. . An engineered floor with a 3-millimeter top, for instance, can handle two … Most people do not think an engineered floor can be refinished as many times as a solid hardwood floor. Whether (and how many times) engineered hardwood can be sanded and refinished depends on the thickness of the top layer of wood. Although the difference between the thickest and the thinnest engineered wood flooring boards might seem marginal to a non-flooring expert, making the right choice can make a big difference to the end result. This means that you'll be able to sand and finish your flooring more often. This thickness of engineered wood also makes for a more sound absorbent room that feels more structural underfoot. How Long Will an Engineered Wood Floor Last? Engineered wood floors come in a range of different thicknesses from 9mm to 22mm. A quality hardwood veneer will provide many years of wear. Our thick 5.8mm wear layer product equals the longevity of traditional solid 3/4 inch … 10-11mm Engineered Wood Flooring; 14mm Engineered Wood Flooring; 15-16mm Engineered Wood Flooring; 18mm Engineered Wood Flooring; 20mm Engineered Wood Flooring; Plank Effect. Thinner flooring, with a thinner top layer, can't be sanded down as many times and therefore the flooring's overall lifespan is shorter. 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Realwood Flooring ELKA14RURAL, Elka Russet Oak Brushed & UV Oiled Uniclic 14mm Engineered Realwood Flooring ELKA14RUSSET, Elka Spring Oak 4V Brushed Matt Lacquered Uniclic 13.5mm Engineered Realwood Flooring ELKA13SPRING, Elka Summer Oak 4V Brushed & Oiled Uniclic 13.5mm Engineered Realwood Flooring ELKA13SUMMER, Elka Super Rustic Oak Brushed & UV Oiled Uniclic 14mm Engineered Realwood Flooring ELKA14SROAK. 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