Innovative GoTo Dobsonian reflector telescope with fully motorized object location and automatic tracking of over 42,000 celestial wonders! Simply select the object you wish to view using the IntelliScope controller's menu buttons, then follow the directional arrows on the controller's display screen to aim the telescope right at the desired object. It provides brighter and clearer images than the XT10i, allowing you to view fainter celestial objects. }, { sourceSelector:'' The Orion SkyQuest XT10g GoTo Dobsonian is ideal for seeing details of deep space objects as well as the Moon and planets. sourceURL:'/catalog/includes/quicklook_miniproduct.jsp?entityId=116389&entityTypeId=4', layers: '07009' sourceSelector:'' entityType: 'product' }, { entityType: 'product' The SkyQuest 4.5 Classic is a compact Dobsonian the whole family can enjoy. sourceURL:'/catalog/includes/quicklook_miniproduct.jsp?entityId=109966&entityTypeId=4', layers: '20324' }, { By signing up for email, you agree that Orion has the right to use your data for such purpose. layers: '07816' }, { }, { }, { entityId: 112060, entityId: 116389, O rion Optics UK manufacture high quality Astronomical Telescopes and Optical Components. defaultImage: '', You can put away the fishing sinkers and duct-taped ankle weights, because now there's finally a practical, versatile counterweight solution for balancing your steel-tube Dobsonian telescope. The Orion XT8 Dobsonian is a mid-range reflector telescope. layers: '10014' height: 130, height: 130, }, { It's a compact 114mm-aperture Dobsonian that shows hundreds of objects in much more detail than a typical 60mm-aperture beginner telescope. width: 90, Find out how much fun big-aperture stargazing can be with the "push-to" Orion SkyQuest XT8i Computerized IntelliScope Dobsonian! entityId: 110851, With the push of a button, you can locate more than 14,000 celestial objects. }, {"clickFunction":"function() {$(\'#_widget1651680648012\').widgetClass().scrollNext(\'#_widget1651680648012\');}","widgetClass":"ButtonWidget"}, {"snapClosest":true,"bindings":{"bind0":{"fn":"function(event, pageNum) { PagedDataSetFilmstripLoaderWidget.loadPage(\'#_widget1651680648011\', Math.floor(pageNum)); }","type":"scrollend","element":"#_widget1651680648012_trigger"}},"unitSize":215,"widgetClass":"SnapToScrollerWidget","scrollSpeed":500,"scrollAmount":860,"afterScroll":"","animateScroll":"true","beforeScroll":"","direction":"horizontal"}, {"emptyItemViewer":"
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height: 130, Never been able to find that edge-on galaxy, NGC 891? This Dobsonian telescope features a big 12-inch aperture reflector that collects the light from the night sky. The stable base and included EZ Finder II make it easy to move the telescope and find objects. Using the "push-to" IntelliScope system is easy for any backyard stargazer. }, { The included 1.25" Orion 25mm Sirius Plossl eyepiece provides a 48-power view when used with the SkyQuest XT10 Classic Dobsonian. Non-stick PTFE and UHMW bearings provide buttery smooth motion in both altitude (up/down) and azimuth (left/right) axes, as you move the telescope from object to object. Reflector mirrors are made from glass with different levels of thermal expansion. width: 130, }, { This innovative focuser for 8" and 10" reflector telescopes features a helical spur on the two-speed focus mechanism which provides even greater positive control of the drawtube compared to Crayford focusers, while minimizing backlash and slippage. Following a simple alignment procedure, the 9x50 finder scope allows convenient and comfortable aiming of the SkyQuest XT8i IntelliScope. }, { }, { }, { entityId: 109966, sourceSelector:'' pull strength to stay firmly in place. height: 160, entityId: 111745, width: 160, These scopes will appeal to the more technically inclined. defaultImage: '', entityId: 109952, }, { layers: 'Artimg-EnjoyAstro' height: 160, Typically in-stock items will ship first and backordered items will follow as soon as they are available. Lowest useful magnification is the power at which the exit pupil becomes 7mm in diameter. entityId: 109892, Binoculars with larger objective lenses are recommended for low light situations, and binoculars with at least 50mm or larger objective lenses are recommended for pleasing astronomical observations at night. entityType: 'product' }, { Orion 8945 SkyQuest XT8 Classic Dobsonian review . width: 90, However, it is usually atmospheric seeing conditions (not the telescope) which limits the actual resolving power on a given night; rarely is resolution less than one arc-second possible from even the best viewing locations on Earth. height: 90, layers: 'Artimg-DobStory' layers: '08946' sourceSelector:'' defaultImage: '', sourceSelector:'' Press the button labeled "Messier" then select M51. Standard mirrors are made from material such as Soda-Lime Plate glass and BK-7 glass. }, { entityType: 'product' }, { }, { }, { Refractors use glass lenses to focus the light, and the glass material plays an important role in the quality of the resulting image. defaultImage: '', Their affordability and simplicity of operation make Dobsonians a great first telescope for entry into the hobby of amateur astronomy, especially those in the 6" to 8" aperture range. layers: '10110' height: 160, Economy Delivery (3-5 business days): �0.00Expedited Delivery (1-2 business days): �84.00, {"clickFunction":"function() {$(\'#_widget1773253392007\').widgetClass().scrollPrevious(\'#_widget1773253392007\');}","widgetClass":"ButtonWidget"}, { The intuitive menu buttons allow selection of objects by type (e.g., Planet, Nebula, Cluster, Galaxy) or catalog number (e.g., M57, NGC 253). Best 12 Inch Aperature Telescope Orion SkyQuest Dobsonian Telescope. entityType: 'product' defaultImage: '', }, { }, { The finder scope's right-angle eyepiece design lets you use the finder without crouching or awkwardly craning your neck. sourceSelector:'' defaultImage: '', entityType: 'product' Your whole family can use the XT8 PLUS Dobsonian telescope to … entityId: 109949, }, { The Orion CorrecTension springs make setup easy and keep the telescope balanced. layers: '08711' This is due to the fact that the exit pupil of the telescope (the beam of light exiting the eyepiece) is now larger than the average person's dark adapted pupil, and no more light can fit into the eye. Printed on completely dew-proof durable plastic. Large volume orders are subject to special order policies — contact our Customer Service Department for additional details. height: 90, entityType: 'product' sourceURL:'/catalog/includes/quicklook_miniproduct.jsp?entityId=115952&entityTypeId=4', entityType: 'product' Included accessories may vary for 2nds, Substitutions may be made, CorrecTension system, 2" Focuser, 1.25" eyepiece adapter. Even relative to similar-aperture Newtonians on equatorial mounts, Dobsonians are delightfully economical. The Orion SkyQuest XX12i telescope is perfect for the observer looking for a portable big-aperture telescope. entityId: 109840, layers: '08889' Using this eyepiece's moderate magnification is a great way to begin exploring interesting objects in the sparkling night sky. }, { Please send me email about sales, new products, and astronomy. sourceSelector:'' layers: 'VID038-FeatXT10Classic' width: 130, height: 130, entityType: 'product' height: 130, height: 90, entityId: 109907, }, { entityType: 'product' layers: '13036' 150mm aperture and 1200mm focal length (f/8.0) Dobsonian reflector telescope provides ample light grasp and resolving power for jaw-dropping views of the Moon, planets, and bright deep-sky objects; Included Orion 2x Shorty Barlow Lens doubles the magnification of virtually any 1.25" eyepiece, adding magnification options to your telescope entityType: 'product' defaultImage: '', entityType: 'product' width: 130, defaultImage: '', entityId: 110679, height: 160, The 2" Orion Refractor Mirror Diagonal has a meticulously polished mirror to yield maximum performance. width: 130, layers: '15189' Everything you need, all in one kit! sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=112066&isPDP=true', A per-item shipping charge (in addition to the standard shipping and handling charge) applies to this product due to its size and weight. entityType: 'product' height: 160, }, { defaultImage: '', entityId: 113409, Because we sell direct, we can offer you tremendous value at a great price. It is not intended to remove or restrict your other legal rights under applicable local consumer law; your state or national statutory consumer rights governing the sale of consumer goods remain fully applicable. The SkyQuest XT8 is a 8″ aperture classic dobsonian telescope from Orion. entityType: 'product' A convenient carrying handle on the base makes transport to your favorite observing site nice and easy. }, div.kids_pdp {float: left;width: 90%;clear: both;margin: 20px 5% 20px;}
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layers: '10280' As with the XT8i, this telescope allows you to locate more than 14,000 celestial objects with the push of a button. It features a precision 8" (203mm) diameter parabolic primary mirror, center-marked at the factory for precise collimation and mounted in a cast-aluminum support cell that provides maximum ventilation. The SkyQuest XX14i allows you to see more detail than the XX12i. layers: '10018' The focal ratio of an optical system is the ratio of a telescope's focal length to its aperture. We've got the perfect solution - Orion's SkyQuest XX12i IntelliScope Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope. entityId: 112059, sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=111727&isPDP=true', The Orion SkyQuest XT12g Dobsonian is perfect for the advanced viewer that wants to see details on the Moon and planets as well as faint deep-sky objects. width: 160, Buy online. height: 90, Over 10,000 astronomical objects are easily within the reach of this telescope. entityType: 'product' Click this button and you will soon see how. width: 130, height: 90, But anyone with the slightest technical bent will have no problem getting familiar with these models. 8" diameter reflector optics lets you view the Moon and planets in close up detail, and has enough light grasp to pull in pleasing views of faint nebulas, galaxies and star clusters. So for example, an 80mm refractor is capable of 160x, and a 10" telescope is theoretically capable of 500x magnification. Offering a wide 52� apparent field of view, the 25mm Sirius Plossl eyepiece yields extremely sharp images of impressively high contrast. sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=112064&isPDP=true', defaultImage: '', entityId: 110791, entityType: 'product' Just set the XT10 Classic Dobsonian base down where you want to observe, bring out the reflector optical tube, and securely couple the tube to the base using the CorrecTension springs. defaultImage: '', entityType: 'product' width: 130, You can expand your magnification options by purchasing additional 1.25" or larger 2" wide-angle eyepieces of different focal lengths. entityId: 109911, layers: 'ap1826_652013' }, { Orion SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT8 Classic Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT10 Classic Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT8 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope Kit, Orion SkyQuest XT4.5 Classic Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope Kit, Orion SkyQuest XT4.5 Classic Dobsonian Telescope Kit, Orion SkyQuest XT8 Classic Dobsonian Telescope Kit, Orion SkyQuest XT10 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope Kit, Orion SkyQuest XT6 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT8 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT10 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT8i IntelliScope Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT10i IntelliScope Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT12i IntelliScope Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XX12i IntelliScope Truss Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XX14i IntelliScope Truss Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XX14i Dobsonian Telescope, Shroud and Case Se, Orion SkyQuest XX12i Dobsonian Telescope, Shroud and Case Se, Orion SkyQuest XT8g Computerized GoTo Dobsonian Telescope, Orion SkyQuest XT10g Computerized GoTo Dobsonian Telescope, telescope and astrophotography accessories. This filter fits all Orion 10 inch reflector telescopes. Click here to check availability and discounted price Some people would regard a dobsonian as a beginner telescope, View Post . layers: '07006' height: 160, }, { height: 130, defaultImage: '', height: 90, The XT6 is very portable, has a stable mount, is easy to operate and is affordable, making it a perfect telescope for the beginner.
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