comfrey poultice for tendonitis

Wrap the injury and herbs with a cloth of some kind (cotton as an example) or medical gauze. If we made sure not to get it on the wound? Hi Jane! I would apply warm, but not hot. Because we would not apply comfrey on broken skin the inner layer of gauze is not necessary. Comfrey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, substances that can cause liver damage, cancer, and even death, so it should be never be taken by mouth. by Spiraea Herbs | Jun 7, 2017 | DIY Herbal, Herbal Basics, Herbalism | 16 comments. but this step is not necessary. The Homeopathic medicine , Symphytum is best used to treat : Traumatic injuries of Bones. So today I am going to show you how to make comfrey poultices for deep tissue injuries. Then you could switch to a salve. You can read it here, but I will quickly summarize the highlights from that post. I am in dire need of them right now and I love to share with you what I actually do in my day to day life. As far as herbal information, there are no contraindications for using comfrey while doing physical therapy – as long as you get the go ahead from your physical therapist/doctor. The next morning my ankle was much better, and as soon as I applied a fresh, frozen comfrey poultice, any remaining soreness was gone. It is a wonderful first aid herb to have on hand in case you or someone you know twists their ankle. Absolutely! Would a comfrey poultice work in this instance? Made in NZ from organic comfrey and natural ingredients. You can definitely use dried. If you are pregnant, nursing, on medications, suffer from liver toxicity/disease or are treating a very young child please contact a qualified herbalist prior to using comfrey poultices. 36 ($8.60/Ounce) Before finding your website I’ve been making them with just finely chopped fresh herb and boiling water and applying as hot as I can handle. I cannot find dried leafs that comes in bulk online or around me. Herbal cream for healing. You will want to make a thick paste with it – allowing the warm water to sit with the herbs for a bit. You can roll a piece of gauze around the poultice or top with a waterproof pad and follow up with a quick wrap with gauze so the pad doesn’t move around. Thank you for checking out my post and taking the time to comment. For chronic conditions or any health concerns I highly recommend you seek the help of a qualified health practitioner. It is perennial. So would an Achy Muscle type rub (mine has arnica, st johns wort, cayenne and peppermint infused oils). Please share the comfrey love and pin often . It can be applied directly on the skin by making a poultice or can be taken orally to overcome the pain. For more severe injuries (like the ones I described above) I would use comfrey topically in poultice form. Experts suggest not using comfrey cream for lo… If they come from the freezer you can apply with a heating pad to warm them up and then apply to occlusive barrier . By changing the temperature of the poultice, the healing actions can be altered. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Wrap it with cloth or a bandage to hold it in place. I hope that answers your question! The thicker you can make it the easier the application will be. As long as your mom is healthy, not only any medications that are hard on the liver or has liver issues herself I would think they would be helpful in the healing process yes. I researched online the various benefits. Your email address will not be published. You just need to tinker with the dried herb to water ratio. “It is just a scam by Big … Once frozen you can transfer them to a plastic bag. It grows in temperate, tropical Climates. However, after applying this comfrey poultice, the soreness subsided within minutes, and I was able to walk without discomfort for the rest of the day. And freshly chopped is great! It’s also possible I slightly dislocated it when the injury happened. You can definitely use the dried herb! Hi Correne – Comfrey has been used extensively for dealing with pain linked with conditions such as tendinitis or tennis elbow. Me being a good girl and applying my comfrey poultice for the evening . o A few years ago, after I had commented on an online site about the dangers of using Comfrey, a well-known animal herbalist called me on the phone. A soothing salve or poultice made from the leaves of the comfrey plant may promote the healing of closed wounds and bruises or soothe breast pain in nursing mothers, reports the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine 2 3. Older, thicker calluses may require several treatments. During spring and summer it flares up with all the garden work! Unfortunately I do not have experience working with the root of the plant directly. To create a poultice, you will need the following materials: 6 to 8 large Common Comfrey leaves; Two tablespoons of very hot water; Cheesecloth; A piece of heavy string or twine; Heavy wooden spoon or pestle; Small bowl; To create the comfrey poultice: Mash the comfrey leaves using a heavy wooden spoon or pestle until it has formed a thick paste. Recalling comfrey’s anti-inflammatory effects when applied externally, I decided to make a quick poultice from the steeped comfrey leaves. I have a deep tissue issue (tendinitis) in my thumb joint and wonder if a comfrey infused oil made into a salve would help. Repeat this process for as many poultices as you would like to make. Can I use it in making a poultice? Herbalists make the worst patients; especially when you are treating yourself. Required fields are marked *. Apply the comfrey past directly to the area of injury. This is because comfrey contains very potent anti-inflammatory components. The Tendon and Ligament Poultice contains natural Chinese herbs that strongly stimulate circulation to … Harvest your comfrey leaves fresh, either from a plant you grow yourself or from the wild (ensuring you are harvesting ethically and you have the right plant). Avoid taking the crude herb interally. Or is the warmed oil just as or more potent? It can be added to bath water to promote a youthful skin. But comfrey must be used with caution and respect. Using a Comfrey Poultice. I’m not sure what it is actually… I just call it my Chocolate Thunder shoulder. It ensures that the constituents absorb into the skin more readily. A comfrey poultice. Tendinitis is a condition where the tissues connecting the muscles and the bones become inflamed. Your email address will not be published. Hello Correne! Leave the poultice on the elbow for at least 20 minutes. I am not a doctor and legally cannot diagnose. Honestly it’s the moisture and the occlusive (like plastic) barrier that is the key to making poultices work. Keep the poultice in place with gauze or adhesive tape, and leave it on overnight. Log in. To prepare the tea, steep 1 teaspoon of either dried herb in 1 cup boiling … Much has been said about it’s ability to heal sprains and even fractures. For a double strength action I would combine it with homeopathic Symphytum taken internally. Hi Naiala. Pulse until you have formed a thick paste. Here's a link to some more foods to help fix it. Will comfrey poultice help a year old fractured hip. Before using any herbal remedies please do your own independent research on dosages, contraindications and drug interactions. I am a traditional western herbalist and holistic health practitioner. Comfrey is not recommended for people with liver disease or damage. This site provides information for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a diagnosis, cure or treatment of any specific condition. I often add 1-2 tsp of flax seeds as a fibre source to help it form more of a paste. Apply this thickly and liberally to the desired area. Because I am dealing with a shoulder injury I will need much larger poultices than if it was only a bruise. In this article you will learn how to prepare this poultice, how to apply it, and be able to address an emergency of this type should you have no immediate access to urgent medical attention. Comfrey is not ever safe for ingestion, as it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are extremely dangerous to the liver.,,,,, Six Reasons for Using Cover Crops in the Garden | Seeking Joyful Simplicity, How to Make Your Own Herbal Sleep Tincture, DIY Herbal First Aid Kit Using All-Natural Homemade Remedies, You Can’t Change Others, So Change Yourself – Setting Personal Boundaries, How to Make an Herbal Tea for Hot Flashes, How to Stop Stress Eating Breaking the Pattern. Use medical tape to hold the plastic layer in place. CAUTION: IT MAY CAUSE TENDER SKIN TO ITCH, SO USE CAREFULLY! Between shoveling, hauling, sawing, planting and building my poor shoulder has taken a beating. Making a Comfrey Poultice. I hope that helps! So even if you aren’t hurt there is no harm in whipping up a batch of poultices to have on hand just in case. How do you recommend heating it? Especially in the first few days. Thanks so much. Prepare your squares of parchment paper – I tend to cut in large squares or rectangles. I imagine that would greatly depend on the injury. An absolute go to for pain from tendonitis, carpel tunnel, arthritis, bursitis, joint pain, bruising, or any injury. The homeopathic remedy of Symphytum is quite effective and extremely safe making it an excellent option for young children, people with liver toxicity or disease or pregnant woman. Crush or powder the plant material and mix with water to form a paste. Nourishing Herbal Infusions: How to Make Them and Why, Using Herbs to Enhance Your Spiritual Practices, Frugal Home Improvements on the Homestead, Blender, food processor or immersion blender. This is an old injury back from when we had our rooster Chocolate Thunder and if you want to read that tale check it out here. Your email address will not be published. Pain in the back from wrestling or excessive Sexual indulgence. After a few more days, I applied another poultice, then another. I would only use it externally and not on an open wound personally. How large a poultice you need will depend on the surface area you need to cover. If you are injured it is always wise to get your injury checked out so you know what you are dealing with. Steep fresh chopped leaves in water that has been brought to a boil for 20-30 minutes. A foot soak or a poultice of comfrey can bring relief and help speed up the healing process. I made a second video with a better method so watch that before you make one! Comfrey oil assists in the treatment of tendinitis. Another good tip is dumping the mixture in a strainer to get some of the water out (if it’s too watery). If you are making these for potential future need I would err on the side of larger because you can always break them into smaller pieces (remember they will be stored in your freezer) if need be. Using comfrey as a poultice or simply by using its dried leaves on the skin, you may find relief from pains relating to conditions like ankle sprains, muscle aches, arthritis and fibromyalgia. What you need: Dried comfrey root or 5 to 10 large leaf; 1 towel or cloth, folded in half lengthwise (it should be enough to circle on your front and back) 5. I do find I can extract more constituents if I make my oil using some gentle heat – either your slow cooker or a double boiler. Frankly, I’ve come up with the Creme de la Creme of Healing, Soothing Poulticessssss. Even for chronic topical use I limit it to 3-4 weeks just to be safe. The next morning my ankle was pretty tender. To prepare comfrey poultice, add comfrey leaves to cup of boiling water, and let it steep for 10-15 minutes. Put it on the affected area for 15 minutes. It’s for my mother and she is to the point that she is having surgery, but would this help any in the post surgery healing? Comfrey is a Plant. Spiraea Herbal Clinic does not claim nor imply that any information provided will treat, cure or prevent any particular disease states. Boasting a long history of use for medical ailments, the comfrey plant, (Symphytum officinale), contains allantoin, which may … ... a natural pain reliever that can give relief to bursitis and tendinitis. I’m also wondering if a comfrey poultice would help any with a rotater cuff injury? THIS IS EASY and GOOD FOR WHAT AILS YOU! But this stubborn old mule gets hurt and do I do anything about it? Then apply just as you would fresh. I deal with an overused shoulder problem that possibly stems from a cervical spine issue. Oil can penetrate deeply but wonder if it creates any barrier to absorption compared to water and comfrey paste? Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Your privacy means a lot to us. The high levels of allantoin and rosmarinic acid found in comfrey cause rapid growth of new skin cells, which can cause a deeper Anna's Comfrey Cream. I have a hip that’s been varying degrees of sore for awhile now and to say that it’s driving me nuts would be an understatement. Comfrey leaves should be harvested right before the flower blooms and be used dried or fresh. Can I use dried comfrey to make a poultice? Comfrey’s leaves or roots can be applied as a poultice, wash or ointment and are used for bruising, sciatica, boils, rheumatism, neuralgia, varicose veins, bed sores, wounds, ulcers, insect bites, tumours, muscular pain, pulled tendons, gangrene, shingles and dermatological conditions. A comfrey poultice is ideal for treating your back pain, as well as bruises. Applying turmeric poultice to the elbow is an effective home remedy for tennis elbow. Tends to activate the constituents a little more. The plant is also excellent to use topically on sprains, pulled muscles, swellings and fractures. Promotes and speeds the healing of skin, tissue, muscle, tendon and bone The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned oral comfrey products.1 Since these toxic substances can be absorbed through the skin, there's concern about the safety of comfrey cream applied to the skin. You only speak of the fresh herb here but I wonder about using the dried herb. If it’s too thin add some more comfrey leaves. but I would poultice for deeper tissue injuries. Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, a substance that helps new skin cells grow, along with other substances that reduce inflammation and keep skin healthy. As such I help people improve their wellness and overall health through the use of herbs, lifestyle adjustments, emotional support and nutritional guidance. To apply comfrey to affected skin areas, peel backing from one side of poultice and tape to the affected area. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on June 03, 2018: Good luck with your cracked rib, Marly. Click Image To Enlarge. If someone in my family gets injured or needs help I am there right away to lend assistance (almost always with herbs in tow). Salves are great to make if you don’t have fresh stuff around and it works well for wounds (cuts, bites, scrapes etc). Function In fact, even if you aren’t injured you can make a large batch for use just in case. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Comfrey poultices should be left in place for several hours (overnight is ideal). Well guess what; at 37 years old injuries don’t just magically go away anymore. As an option you can then wrap with a tensor bandage, towel etc. The recipe/instructions I am sharing with you today can be made in any batch size you require. This blog post is for informational purposes only. Place them in the freezer on a baking sheet. It is for this reason I will keep my poultice on for 2-3 hours each night. According to Susun Weed if you grow comfrey in your garden you are most assuredly growing Symphytum uplandica x, however Richters (where I got my seedling from) states the latin name as Symphytum officinale despite the plant looking very much like uplandica x (according to Susan’s description). When using dried comfrey, if you don’t have access to fresh, do you think mixing it with warm water is more potent than making it into a salve? It's typically only used in small amounts for a very short period of time. Turmeric Poultice. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are the most effective components in the treatment of swelling or inflammation of tendons. Discuss this application method with your doctor first. Can I use dried comfrey root instead of dried leafs? It is also very easy to make and most of the things you need are readily available at home. Comfrey is best used for treating broken bones, damaged ligaments, and tendons, and healing small wounds. The University of Maryland describes Comfrey: Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is sometimes used on the skin to treat wounds and reduce inflammation from sprains and broken bones. I have a supply of dried comfrey. P.S. Nah… I just ignore it and hope it goes away. Place the poultice on the affected area you wish to treat (bruise, sprain, cut, sting). You can make a comfrey poultice with the leaf or the root. Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. Even if the skin isn’t broken the chemical constituents of the plant are absorbed through the skin so I would avoid using this plant on children under 3. If you are going to use comfrey for deep cuts and lacerations, make sure that the wound is completely clean first with hydrogen peroxide and Lugol’s iodine. But I wouldn’t use them daily for months and months just because of the issues with the liver, but I think it would help your shoulder yes. I have made a comfrey salve and it does work quite well! Be cautious not to apply comfrey ointments and topical treatments directly to open wounds. Whether fresh or frozen, using a comfrey poultice is similar. The next morning, the hard, callused skin will be dissolved, and the corn should be easy to remove. Do you recommend that I work out lightly or physical therapy should I not work out while using comfrey on injury? Only registered users can add comments . Comfrey is also a lovely herb for topical injuries such as bites, scrapes, stings, bleeding and oozing wounds, stings and burns, but due to it’s contraindications (which I will talk about below) I tend to save it’s powerful medicine for deep tissue injuries. Gardening season is in full force on our homestead and I have been overdoing it. It didn’t bother me much over the winter, but now that the manual labour has started up again it is aching each night. It is not meant to diagnose, treat or “cure” any injury. I looked at the different techniques and decided to get witchy with it myself. You don’t want the mixture to be too soggy or else it won’t adhere to the skin well and will likely make a big old mess. “Comfrey isn’t dangerous”, she told me. 3. A poultice directly applied with DMSO (solvent) of comfrey will quickly heal any pain or discomfort. Will that be doing any good or is blending really important? Injuries can happen at anytime and there is nothing worse than hurting yourself badly in the winter and not having the herbs you need to help heal yourself. And with the frozen ones do you apply frozen or heat it? Good luck! But this has helped. I do find that warm/hot water works best when working with dried herbs for poultices. In cases like this I recommend making large batches and freezing them (I will show you how to do that below) so that way you can just pull them out of the freezer when you need them. Tendinitis patients suffer from repeated motion of the same tendons over a period of time. As a herbalist that is not my area of training or expertise so I can’t comment unfortunately. Often called “The King of Herbs”, comfrey really shines in the area of severe injuries. Do you warm the poultice up or apply it cold? Great on open wounds, cuts, bruises etc. Put the bag in hot water for less than one minute and allow it to cool. I think I’ve pulled the muscles that in the front of the shoulder. Applying a ginger poultice on the affected area will also help. Take four tablespoons of freshly grated ginger and wrap it tightly in a cotton bag. When they are fresh they have higher levels of mucilage properties so some herbalists prefer to use them for that reason. It is more common to occur in the upper part of the body such as the wrist, knee, ankle or elbow. Then wrap the effected area in plastic (I just use plastic wrap) creating an occlusive barrier – this means oxygen can’t get at it and the herb material remains moist. Symphytum officinale (wild comfrey) or Symphytum uplandica x (cultivated comfrey) has been long famed for it’s ability to heal and repair deeper tissues injuries such as bruises, torn ligaments, broken bones and dislocated joints. This is optional. Chop them roughly and throw them into your blender, food processor or a jar if you are using an immersion blender. Tendon and Ligament Poultice The Tendon and Ligament Poultice is a safe and effective topical herbal remedy specially formulated for use on chronic injuries such as sprains or bone fractures where the swelling and inflammation are gone, but residual pain and stiffness remain. The longer the poultice can remain on the injury the better it will work. Ingredients: Extra … Because of the latin name that came on the tag I treat my plant as the wild comfrey variety and use it externally only. Ensure you label it because you really don’t want to mix this up with last night’s pesto! Symphytum officinale contains liver toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids and is therefore not recommended for internal use. What kind of injury would you say you have to your shoulder? Massage However I have a chronic injury and will be using it for at least a few weeks. Solomons seal is the main ingredient with support from other ingredients that join together and make this product amazing. Repeat the process several times daily until there is improvement. All you need is something that is paste-like in texture and it will work like a charm. Check out information on it, Please Note: I am a Herbalist, Not a Doctor. It grows up to 1.2 M. Best used for reducing Inflammation, Control bleeding. It is important to distinguish between which species of comfrey you have access to or are growing. Then just wait for them to cool a bit before applying. So while that may have seemed long winded, it is important to know what species you are dealing with because Symphytum officinale has some toxicity associated with it. Unfortunately other than a few rounds of ice I didn’t do much to take care of my shoulder when the injury first occurred. A comfrey poultice will help heal fractured or broken ribs in as little as two weeks, and fractured or broken limbs in as little as three. If your comfrey mixture is too thick add a bit more water. Even today, years after pyrrolizidine alkaloids were found and identified in Comfrey (aka Symphytum officinale), herbalists continue to recommend its use. Tendonitis, also known as tendinitis, is the inflammation of a larger scale tendon and the ligaments that attach the tendon to the bones in your body. Comfrey is another effective natural cure for elbow pain. Comfrey poultices help with all deep tissues injuries. Eye Injury Sarcoma of antrum which had extended to the nose. Using a knife or spatula spread a layer of the comfrey paste onto the parchment paper. Terry Naturally Traumaplant Comfrey Cream - 3.53 oz (100 g) - Non-Staining Topical Botanical, Free of Toxic Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PAs) & Parabens - for External Use Only 4.6 out of 5 stars 325 $30.36 $ 30 . My only experience is academic in nature. Lol. I do find fresh comfrey poultices to be the most potent form of the medicine in terms of topical injuries etc. Make a paste by blending turmeric powder with a small amount of water, and cover the elbow and forearm with the paste. After a couple of days — when I could move — I put a comfrey poultice on my chest for a little while. A warm or hot poultice will help to increase circulation to the area, and a cold poultice can help soothe inflammation. 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