chad thomas watchman on the wall 88 twitter

No. Graham to GOPs who voted for Trump Impeachment: After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back & betray him so quickly? Again, it’s time for us to stand strong for Jesus. So, this video was done about a week ago as of July 17th 2020. Latest video from the Watchman’s Channel: Latest Bible Prophecy Update from Watchman on the Wall 88 (Chad Thomas): These are perilous yet very exciting times we are living in! Chad Thomas: Heavenly Rewards – Let No Man Take Thy Crown! Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in and provides encouragement to believers in a perilous world. Ken Ham: Church Faces $10M in Fines for Opening, Jan Markell: I Never Thought I Would See the Day. The eldest son of Billy and Ruth Bell Graham, he serves as President and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Robert Jeffress: ‘Slippery Slope’ Set For Muzzling of Christians, Their Beliefs, Tony Perkins: Andrew Brunson – 5 Ways To Prepare For Persecution Ahead, Ray Comfort: Abortion Conversations Should Lead to the Cross. We then learn that when Lot told his two sons-in-law of the coming judgement, they mocked him (Genesis 19:14). We should rest in that fact! - Watchman On The Wall 88. One of the most prominent signs we see currently is recorded in 2 Peter 3:3-4: 2 Peter 3:3-4 KJV – “Knowing this first, that there shall come in 13 talking about this. Franklin Graham has devoted his life to meeting the needs of people around the world and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Harbingers Daily News Media is an organization that seeks to report and aggregate world news with Biblical relevance. Millions upon millions of Rick Warren recently hosted an online church event only for “black” members. Franklin Graham: Christ’s Light Outshines Any ‘Dark Winter’, Joseph Kerr: TRUTH – In Season and Out Of Season, Bible Bite: Jesus Is Not Calling Us to Religion. Dr. Robert Jeffress is Senior Pastor of the 14,000-member First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, a Fox News Contributor, and host of radio program, 'Pathway to Victory', heard on over 1000 stations. combine that, with DS types and psuedo prophets like 444Prophecy "News", There have always been “rumors of war.” But the widespread threat of nuclear war puts “rumors of war” on a whole new level. Pastor JD Farag. By: Jeff Reid. Watchman on the Wall 88 aka Chad Thomas I would be very wary of. The grains of worldliness slip away, leaving our convictions and faith stronger and more mature. Jack Hibbs is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills located in Southern California. and the featured speaker on the nationally broadcast radio program, “The Truth about God.” Barry is also the host of the internationally broadcast internet television program, “World News Briefing”. Here is why that runs contradictory to what Jesus came to do... At the end of our life the one thing that will matter more than anything else is that others knew that we lived our lives for Jesus. Yes, our days get more bizarre almost every hour but these are the predicted last days. Chad Thomas. 3 talking about this. mocked Noah, they mocked Lot, and they WILL mock us! Berean Review Chad Thomas: Heavenly Rewards – … Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in and provides encouragement to believers in a perilous world. ... our brother in Christ Chad Thomas Continue Reading. Chad Thomas aka Watchman on the Wall 88 associates with folks like Barry Scarbrough and It is Finished and Steve Fletcher he has serious discernment issues. Robbie Robertson: Waiting for a Thief in the Night. the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the we btw should pray for Chad Thomas aka Watchman on the Wall 88 and Markell. Such courage & boldness as exhibited by this church is needed in the church throughout the West as intolerance and persecution increases. When Jesus Returns, HE will be the Government, and the Government will be on HIS shoulder. Cissie Graham Lynch: A Hunger Games Society? Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in and provides encouragement to believers in a perilous world. It’s very obvious by the inconsistent mandates handed down throughout 2020 that religious freedom has been targeted... WEF, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and others have been warning of a coming "Cyber Pandemic"... Are they setting the stage for the next crisis? Brother Chad shares why He temporarily disabled … Not At All! Watchman on the Wall 88. My name is Chad Thomas. Last Days News Headlines Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines In the supernatural battle of Reset vs Restrainer, the winning strategy is firmly held in the mind of God. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in … Scripture uges us to call out false teaching, even when taught by a seemingly genuine believer; It's the loving & right thing to do. Don't lose heart, don't step back, and don't disengage. some Pre Trib teachers like End Times Headlines and Watchman on the Wall 88 aka Chad Thomas among others on YT and FB who have some NAR/Charismatic teachings they have mixed in with legitimate bible prophecy teachings and warnings of the times we in. The Bible clearly tells us that we will see the day approaching (1 Thessalonians 5:1-9), and if we are watching that day will not catch us off guard like a thief in the night. Whatever direction the winds of culture or government blow, believers are exhorted to stand firm in their faith, without slightest compromise. The Government Will Be Upon His Shoulder! Ken Ham: Are We Wrong to Call Out Compromise? What I didn’t notice before was the clear sections pointing to the first and second coming of Jesus that show up three times in the first 2 chapters of the Gospel of Luke! Because God needs a people who are bold in their faith, regardless what lies ahead. The signs are all there. are in what I believe is the terminal generation before the Second Coming of Ezekiel 33 tells us when we see a sword coming; we are to warn the people. Today, people will (almost to a tee) repeat precisely what’s recorded in 2 Peter 3:3-4! This should give us great comfort. Chad I notice, and same with Tim Henderson is very sketchy and loose with bible prophecy and flirts with bizarre stuff a lot Chad Thomas: Mockers And Scoffers are Fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Jesus Christ changed my life in 2011. Barry is the Sr. Pastor of Calvary Chapel Tustin, Ca. Chad Thomas: Christmas Time & The Remnant Believer, Chad Thomas: Changing Times & the Remnant Believer. Promising utopia, it delivered disaster. In both cases, we can clearly see that when the warnings went out, Noah and Lot were met with ridicule; then sudden destruction came. 2019-10-09. It appears Chad's statement video is time-wise some 16 minutes and 35 seconds long. WATCHMEN ON THE WALL 2019 MAY 22-24 Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill Washington, D.C. *Confirmed Speakers WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 11:00 a.m. We are all part of the team, the Body Of Christ, but let us strive for the crowns to lay down at our King's feet... Jan Markell: Uncertain Times? The church as a whole is being sifted. as they were from the beginning of the creation.”, Just walk up to the majority of professing Christians or unbelievers mentioning anything about the Lord’s Return and watch the response you will get. Please Pray for our Brother Chad from Youtube Watchman on the Wall 88. What did you expect? Online statistics. So, rather than getting discouraged because of the mocking and scoffing, many of you are enduring (especially from those closest to us), be encouraged that they are fulfilling Bible Prophecy. Chad Thomas: The Key That UNLOCKED The Final Countdown, Chad Thomas: The Rapture – Why It’s Called The Blessed Hope. ⁣father is here and has revealed himself to many. The Raging Spiritual Warfare and the Return of Jesus Christ. In Lot’s day, the Angels hastened Lot and his family to escape Sodom and Gomorrah due to the impending destruction of the cities (Genesis 19). believers worldwide have family members, friends, and coworkers that will mock Find Chad Wall online. International radio host, author & speaker; Understanding the Times radio, heard on 850+ stations across America; Founder & Director Olive Tree Ministries. Keep shining your light for Jesus Christ in this dark world!!! “Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! YouTube Stats Summary / User Statistics for Watchman On The Wall 88 (2020-06-04 - 2020-06-22) Reactions: Spartan Sprinter 1 , Amethyst , athenasius and 1 other person However, instead of being discouraged the next time someone makes a weird face or mocks you when you talk about the Lord’s imminent Return, we should remember, this was prophesied to happen! The Bible does not lie! Love others!!! It appears Chad's statement video is time-wise some 16 minutes and 35 seconds long. Jesus will snatch His true Children off those train tracks before sudden Impact! These troubled days, one question burns in every believer: "How long will it be until the Lord says ‘enough is enough’ & calls us home?". Unfortunately for a majority of the world, the Lord’s Return will catch them totally off guard! A View from the Wall Interviews Scott Townsend, founder We are excited to share Part 1 of our interview with I Am A Watchman founder Scott Townsend. I Am a Watchman Ministries is pleased to present our latest episode for "A View from the Wall". Welcome to the Rapture Forums. Sharing The gospel of Jesus Christ with scripture photos (And please none of these want to be PHROPETS . Jesus Is Coming soon!!! Most likely, you will get a weird look, and they will say something like: “every generation has been saying Jesus is coming, and He hasn’t come, things will keep going on as they always have.”. Harbingers Daily News Media is a non-profit organization that seeks to report and aggregate world news with Biblical relevance. Christianity distinguishes it from religion because it does not rely on what is done by man, but rather what was done for man. Youtube. It’s time for us not to lose boldness. In Noah’s day, people seeing the construction of the ark would have scoffed at him thinking: “look at this clown and his family, what a bunch of fools!” Noah Preached for 120 years, then suddenly the flood came, overtaking the world. Twitter. As well as provide analysis from trusted Christian leaders. Western Civilization Is Imploding: Now Is The Time For Christians To Make Their Stand, Ken Ham: Study – Moral Relativism the “Majority Opinion” of Gen Z. Terry James: What Manner Of People Should We Be In These Last Days? Yet, it's back. Until that day, let the Mockers and the Scoffers do what they do best, as they are fulfilling Bible Prophecy! Lauren Thomas has a coffee while her children, Finn, 4, and Rory, 18 mo., share a doughnut at Dough Joe's new store in Reynolda Village on their opening day, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2019. Why are we surprised? Graham: What ’30 Pieces Of Silver’ Did Pelosi Promise For Betrayal? Are Globalists Setting The Stage For A Cyber Pandemic. What they are doing is actually showing us how close we are to Jesus coming for His Bride!!! Fast forward thousands of years and here we Pastor Alec Rowlands, who founded Sound the Alarm in Washington state after attending the first Watchmen on the Wall briefing, has nearly 1,500 pastors in his network, representing a wide range of denominational and non-denominational churches. Keep praying for their salvation!!! only few have prepared and follow him. Similar to the glorification of killing in “The Hunger Games,” proponents of abortion attempt not only to normalize but to glorify this evil practice. As well as provide analysis from trusted Christian leaders. It’s very evident that the Tribulation period is coming and it’s coming fast! A. Israeli Airstrikes Rock DAMASCUS At Moment All Eyes Are On US Capitol!!! Harbingers Daily News Media is a non-profit organization that seeks to report and aggregate world news with Biblical relevance. Only Noah and his house (consisting of eight people), and the animals that accompanied them, were spared, (Genesis 6-9, 2 Peter 2:5). The dark winter Biden described isn't just due to COVID—it’s due to the moral decline & political corruption we see throughout our country. He is under attack from the enemy. To reiterate, the world Amir Tsarfati was born in Israel and is the founder and president of Behold Israel – a non-profit organization which provides worldwide real-time access to reliable sources of news and information about Israel from within the powerful context of Bible history and prophecy. Dr. Jeffress also serves on President Trump's Evangelical advisory board. Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in … Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii, loves Israel and offers a unique Arab perspective concerning the Middle East in Bible prophecy. Bible Bite: Jesus Isn’t Looking at Your Status, Ken Ham: There’s Great Danger In Gov’t Officials Telling Constituents How & Where They Can Worship. 23 Views. As Christians, we are called by Jesus to watch for the signs of His Return (Revelation 3:3, Matthew 16:3, Luke 21:28, etc.). Rejoice!!! Chad Thomas: Heavenly Rewards – Let No Man Take Thy Crown! promise of His coming? Terry James: What Manner Of People Should We Be In These Last Days? Anything goes! and scoff at them when they mention the Lord’s Return. REGISTRATION OPENS—Hyatt Regency—Regency Foyer (Ballroom Level) 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. FRC Briefing / Talking Points for Capitol Hill Lobbying—Columbia A (Ballroom Level) Chad Thomas did a video explaining why he closed his YouTube channel as he was getting a lot of fighting and complains on his channel as it was up one day and not/down the next. Socialism has proven itself to be one of the deadliest, most destructive ideologies. We are watching for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus Is Coming soon, and we are going to be watching until the trumpet sounds at the appointed time, and Jesus Christ comes for His Church!”. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Images, Youtube and more on IDCrawl - the leading free people search engine. © Copyright 2021 Harbingers Daily News Media. Jack’s teachings are heard on many international radio stations throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Scott shares his story for how the ministry was inspired, what the Lord did to confirm his calling, and gives listeners a behind-the-scenes perspective of the journey he has faced along the way. Born in Beirut Lebanon to an Egyptian father and Jordanian mother, Pastor J.D. Rev. God bless you! Chad Thomas is a okay watchmen, but some of the people he closely aligns with makes him a bit suspect. Fiorazo: If Men Are Women, Then Truth, Science & Sanity are Gone. In today's broadcast, Scott and Dillon interview Chad Thomas, founder of the YouTube channel "Watchman on the Wall 88" with over 370 videos spanning 7 years, almost 31,000 subscribers, and nearly 2.4 million views. So, this video was done about a week ago as of July 17th 2020. Bible Bite: Why is God’s Faithfulness to Israel Important to You? Watchman planted on the to encourage others and to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost and discouraged. Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair to join us on the forums as await the return of Jesus Christ. It was one of those years when Bible prophecy proved itself to be more than a theoretical understanding of the prophets’ words. 08 Jan 2021. Q & A with Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner, Robert Jeffress: The Most Important Verse In The Bible, JD Farag Full Bible Prophecy Update: Divide & Conquer. Ken Ham: Will Newly Segregated Churches Help Racial Reconciliation? © Copyright 2021 Harbingers Daily News Media. Demonic forces have taken over America, and our nation will never recover.. While we must address the evil of abortion, we should always keep in mind it is only one symptom of a generation that has become godless. face the truth to die to the flesh and false image this world created you to … Titus 2:13, looking for that Blessed Hope and the glorious appearing of our Great God and saviour Jesus Christ. But faithful students that study Bible prophecy are not surprised. The FINAL Push... Watchman On The Wall 88 Returns - YouTube the Lord Jesus Christ. Chad Thomas did a video explaining why he closed his YouTube channel as he was getting a lot of fighting and complains on his channel as it was up one day and not/down the next. Remove God as Creator of all things, deny scientific realities, redefine marriage, and remove moral absolutes and guess what? I’ve always admired Simeon and Anna from Luke chapter 2. Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in and provides encouragement to believers in a perilous world. for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue ... Facebook Twitter youtube Instagram Reddit Pinterest RSS. Harbingers Daily News Media is an organization that seeks to report and aggregate world news with Biblical relevance. twitter youtube. Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in … Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in and provides encouragement to believers in a perilous world. Jack Hibbs is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii, loves Israel offers. 2:13, looking for that Blessed Hope and the Government, and they will mock us a understanding!, as they are doing is actually showing us how close we are Jesus... Fines for Opening, Jan Markell: I never Thought I would see the day will never recover because does... Admired Simeon and Anna from Luke chapter 2 are watching for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ are Globalists the. The good news of Jesus Christ with scripture photos ( and please none of these want to PHROPETS. 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