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He appoints Desi Piscatella, one of the reinforcements that came from max during the strike, as the new captain of the guards after the crisis is over. As time goes by, she frequently becomes frustrated with the policies put in place by ICE, and she becomes especially upset upon witnessing some underage immigrants inside of an on-site immigration court without parental representation. The bunker is then stormed by the CERT officers. Před deseti lety se pokusila převézt přes… In the sixth season, it is revealed that she ended up in D Block at max, and she is reunited with Nicky. She does not reappear in subsequent seasons. Later, rather than returning to work, he voluntarily checks himself into psychiatric care, and is later seen in the facility while watching Caputo's statement on television. When the CERT has the prisoners rounded up, she leads other inmates in repeating Linda's declaration that she is an MCC employee to prevent her from getting away. Despite this, she tricks Daya into drinking a concoction that makes her feel sick, at the request of Aleida. When Daya approaches her to open a drug smuggling route into the prison, Aleida is initially furious, but relents when she faces eviction and has to move in with Hopper. The following morning, she pretends to still have the gun until it is discovered Gloria took it from her. Shortly after arriving, she slit her wrists, stating that she can't be in max, but she was saved and sent to medical. Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett (played by Taryn Manning) – Doggett is a former drug addict (meth) originally from Waynesboro, Virginia. Red runs a smuggling business out of her kitchen, using a food company she helped the Russian mafia set up, but refuses to import drugs of any kind. At one point while answering an anonymous letter written by Cindy she reveals that Maritza was sent to a prison she claimed was 1500 miles away (she was actually sent to an Ohio prison) before insulting the author of the letter. Galina "Red" Reznikov (played by Kate Mulgrew) – Red is a Russian inmate who runs the prison's kitchen as the master chef and is the behind-the-scenes leader of the prison's white population. In the seventh season, Tiffany tries out a number of the prison's new educational programs, out of little more than boredom, but is underwhelmed by them all. Following Caputo's departure, Piscatella promptly ignores his orders and the following morning, he threatens to pull all of his guards if Caputo attempts to suspend any of them for their actions. After Nicky agreed to sober up again, Red went to the drug dealers and threatened to tamper with their food if they sell drugs to Nicky just in case. Poussey later finds herself helping Judy after her friends were angry about a racist puppet show that Judy filmed in the 80s, that ended up being leaked on YouTube. She is finally released from prison and collected by Cal. In the sixth season, Piper is being held in Max and has not seen Alex for days. At the end of the third season, Piper discovers that Stella stole her money from her panty business to use as a financial cushion on the outside due to her pending release. Despite this, he still shows a sense of justice, such as forging evidence to show that Suzanne (who was going to take for the fall for an assault she did not commit) was in fact innocent. She and Red remain on good terms however, as she talked to Red first and warned her. In the third season, she is upset after discovering that her son is becoming disrespectful and is failing his classes. She and Maritza have a very close friendship, and on Valentine's Day in the second season, the two have an intimate conversation about their lack of love in the prison and after playfully telling Maritza she would kiss her and giving her a peck on the lips they end up passionately kissing. Also, 2 people have been cast as “Nikki’s classmate” for episode one. Piper Chapman (played by Taylor Schilling) is a woman who was sentenced to 15 months in Litchfield Penitentiary for helping her former girlfriend Alex Vause smuggle drug money in Europe several years before the first episode. Healy has an outspoken personal vendetta against lesbians for unknown reasons, cautioning Piper at the beginning of the series not to be involved with lesbian activity. Trama – La serie tv ruota attorno a Piper Chapman, una giovane trentenne condannata a quindici mesi di prigione per un reato commesso dieci anni prima del suo ingresso in carcere. She tells him to let them grieve and that she will let them know he is sorry in order to prevent him from going to their cell block. Finally fed up of her mother's controlling treatment of her, Daya hangs up on her. During the second season, her backstory reveals that she was a frequent victim of domestic abuse. Taystee enters to find Tiffany unresponsive on the floor after overdosing and screams for help whilst cradling her in her arms. During the fifth season, after the other guards were taken hostage, Tiffany hides Coates in the laundry room from the other inmates. Lorna Morello (played by Yael Stone) – A hyperfeminine and often racist Italian-American inmate, with a strong accent that inexplicably mixes regional features from both New York City and Boston. Hesitant at first, McCullough eventually complies and the women end up completing the game without fighting. Although Alex disagrees with Piper's planned approach to the problem, to just tell the guards, it actually ends up being successful: when Madison is eventually scared off, she is unable to prevent CO Hellman from handing a report about a drug infraction from Piper to his superior, CO Rick Hopper. She is then released into B Block, one of the safer blocks, and becomes Frieda's cellmate. Determined to get her children out of foster care, and facing the threat of eviction, Aleida begins selling the product outside the prison. He becomes upset upon learning that they were given authorization to use deadly force to capture the remaining inmates. He also attempts to start a group counseling program with Tiffany, but cancels it due to poor attendance, further adding to his emotional exhaustion. Her parents tried to provide her with the best care growing up, but, despite their love, Suzanne felt pushed by her mother to accomplish things that she was afraid to do. Nicky then convinces Lorna to hide from the kickball game and stay out of the cell block war. She also caused the ceiling of the prison's chapel to collapse when she tries to hang an oversized cross from an overhead pipe. Eventually, she does an alongside Judy King, and angrily lashes out at her, revealing the special treatment King received in prison. Alexander Wraith (Red’s son, Vasily) is cast for episodes 1, 9 and 10. She leaves medical, and rejoins the other inmates. In the fourth season, Red is distraught when she discovers that her new bunkmate has sleep apnea, and snores very loudly. During Taystee's time on the outside, she is seen more frequently joking around with Poussey. During the second season, she is shown to be increasingly hormonal and emotional due to the pregnancy, a contrast from her sweet demeanor in the first season. In the second season, she is flown to Chicago to testify at the trial of Alex's former boss, Kubra Balik. Unfortunately, this costs Tiffany her friendship with Boo, although she later makes amends and convinces Boo that she forgave Coates for herself, and not for him. Through flashbacks, it is shown she has a warped view of sex due to her upbringing, having prostituted herself for six-packs of soda, and that she was repeatedly raped in the past to the point she no longer fights back. She has Piper helping her write a letter for her appeal and takes the missing screwdriver from Piper's bunk unbeknownst to Piper, which she uses to aid in masturbation. At the beginning of the fourth season, he is forced to call for reinforcements from max to replace the guards that walked out while the prisoners escaped and started playing in the lake outside of the prison. Alex starts spreading notes around the prison identifying Aydin; after Piper discovers her planting a note in the garden, she tells Alex to gather the notes so she is not implicated. After Piper broke up with her, Alex began using heroin, but cleaned up in rehab paid by the head of her drug ring. She treats Daya rudely in the prison, and goes so far as to attempt to seduce Bennett to make Daya angry. Vinny tells Lorna that Sterling died, but she becomes delusional and insists that he is still alive while telling her friends Vinny is keeping their son away from her. They then forced her and Gloria to kiss each other in front of them for their enjoyment, while claiming that it was to make sure that there was no more animosity between them. She runs into Gloria during a recreation period and Gloria attacks her for revenge after her betrayal during the riot. Alexander Wraith was born in Englewood, New Jersey 1984, USA. At one point, she attacks Madison after a brief encounter between the two. However, she is horrified when King reveals that one of the guards, Thomas Humphrey, was shot and, while she does not remember the shooter's name, Aleida realises she's describing Daya. Near the end of the fourth season, she speaks to Caputo and ends up letting him know that MCC is planning to put even more inmates into the prison after building a new facility to house them. "Orange Is the New Black" Mother's Day (TV Episode 2015) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. However, she confided to Sam that she wished to stop the therapy, as they caused her to feel "fuzzy" and forgetful. Lorna is back together with Vince and constantly talks about being pregnant, and she eventually gets wrapped up in the war between C Block and D Block. Jun 29, 1984 (age 36) 6' 0" (1.83 m) Other popular celebrities. She makes numerous attempts to silence her bunk mate, and eventually resorts to taking sleeping pills. Divák se díky němu stává spolu s Piper novým vězněm a má možnost podobně jako ona postupně poznávat prostředí, pravidla a hlavně ostatní spoluvězeňkyně. Larry tells her to "do what new Piper would do" and appears to have come to terms with the ending of their relationship and be genuinely supportive of Piper's path forward. She gets her name from both her ginger hair and her Russian heritage. She is often critical of Daya's inability to speak Spanish but still accepts her as one of her own. Cindy "Black Cindy" Hayes (played by Adrienne C. Moore) – A bubbly, laid-back and perpetually cheerful inmate, 'Black' Cindy is seen often with the other black inmates. She takes the gun from Daya, but ends up losing the gun to Angie after dropping it on the ground. The gun goes off, shooting Leanne’s finger off, and he runs out of the prison. She seems to suffer from some sort of mental illness. Join another server and repeat the process, make a bunch of blood packs, then make a billion stims. Orange Is the New Black is an American comedy-drama series created by Jenji Kohan that airs on Netflix.It is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison, about her experiences in a women's prison. She later shows a softer side and advises Daya to have her baby, even going so far as to concoct a plan to allow Bennett to keep his job. He initially returns it but stops himself from initiating sex, telling her that he does not want to make the same mistake again and that he is leaving anyway. Daya is often criticized by her fellow Hispanic inmates because she cannot speak fluent Spanish. Despondent, she goes into the laundry where Daya and her gang are taking fentanyl. Her back story is explained more in the second season, where it is revealed that she worked for the TSA and occasionally stole items from the luggage of travelers. She also begins an affair with him. Frieda does the same, in order to be sent to the safer B Block. After the incident, she and Alex start having sex again. She is almost sent back to prison for a parole violation when she ate a "Bloob," which contained marijuana at the behest of Cal and she later failed a drug test. She has finally returned by the second season and stopped pretending to be insane, revealing herself to be plain-speaking, blunt and low key, and later attempts to blackmail Bennett into getting her a new phone. Před deseti lety se pokusila převézt přes… She ends up breaking up with Larry, and after discovering that he and her friend Polly are having an affair, she asks them to report Alex to her probation officer. She does not reappear in subsequent seasons. For some time, Tiffany believed that she was blessed with "faith healing" abilities, after being tricked by the other inmates, and eventually gets sent to the psych ward when she attempts to forcibly "heal" a visiting paraplegic juvenile delinquent. However, if she is successful or not is not shown on-screen. Maria finds out about her plan, but while she does not reveal it to any of the other prisoners, Maria ends up leading the hostages out of a hole in the fence to take credit for releasing them while Gloria is taken prisoner for releasing the guards. Despite her disgust with the white supremacist gang, she hangs out with them for protection from Maria's gang, but she is still kidnapped by Maria and branded with a swastika. When Red is put under investigation after her smuggling operation's cover is blown, Gloria becomes the new head cook, and some inmates prefer her breakfast cooking. She performs oral sex on him in an attempt to buy his silence, only to find out afterward that Caputo has already given copies of the evidence to the warden. When it appears she will be transferred to a prison in Virginia, she begs him to be a good, proactive parent and speak to their child more and later confides in Piper that she is afraid he will be too weak to be faithful during her entire sentence. In Season 6, Nicky is threatened with 70 extra years of drug charges and is forced to say that Red had a part in organizing the riot and kidnapping Piscatella. At the end of the fourth season, increasingly dissatisfied with his job and unsure if he is able to be effective, he contemplates suicide by walking into a lake, but returns to shore when he hears his phone ring. She first appears in a series of flashbacks at the end of the fourth season shortly after her death, which chronicled her spending the day in New York with her friends by showing her riding a bus into New York, before going into a nightclub and getting her phone stolen. In the third season, he enlists the help of Red to mediate between the two and bridge the language gap, however Red ends up lambasting his wife and defending Healy as a "good man". Alexander Wraith. Later on, she attempts to speak to Poussey's spirit with some of the other inmates. When Aydin's remains are found, she tries to prevent Alex from confessing to Aydin's murder. Later, she decides that it would be better for Daya to keep her baby and tells Delia that Daya's baby died during childbirth while in reality Cesar picked up the child. When Aleida is returned to Litchfield after her parole violation Daya immediately attempts to assert dominance and then intentionally sets her and Hopper up to be caught having sex in the SHU as a distraction so she could recover her contraband that was confiscated earlier by the guards. In response to the death of Poussey, Red tells her family to start building a new garden, as the last had been destroyed to make room for a new building, to keep them busy and out of trouble. She supports Daya when she decides to surrender for shooting Humphrey, and ends up getting into an intense argument with Aledia over it. Upon discovering a disused sewage drain in the prison greenhouse, Red restarts her smuggling business and reunites her shattered circle of friends. Despite this, it is revealed Tiffany was sent to prison for shooting an abortion clinic worker in broad daylight for making a snarky comment about her having had five previous abortions. In season 6, still struggling to find work, Aleida eventually resorts to joining "Nutri Life," a Multi-level marketing company based on Herbalife Nutrition, hawking nutritional supplements. Alex is not particularly broken up about being in prison since she at least managed to free herself from her drug addiction. Instead, Wyndolyn sends her to Narcotics Anonymous. This change in Piper's personality, as well as Alex's paranoia, leads to the end of their relationship, and Piper starts a relationship with new inmate Stella Carlin and allowed her to tattoo the words "Trust No Bitch" on her arm. She has history with Vee, a returning prisoner who had befriended her when Red first went to prison years before the series began, only to beat her violently and try to take over her smuggling operation. [1] The series' protagonist is Piper Chapman, a woman sentenced to 15 months in a woman's federal prison for her part in a drug smuggling operation ten years before the start of the first season. When Piper mentions him to other inmates during the riot, one of them notes she's never heard his name and has no idea who he is. While they were high, Piper shows her the swastika brand on her arm, and Alex tells Piper and Nicky that she killed Aydin. She excitedly tells Diablo, and he tells her he will see her the next day. She also comes face to face with her former friend, Tamika Ward, who is now a CO at max, and the two clash over being on opposite sides of the bars. Horrified, and high on amphetamines from some pills she took, Red becomes obsessed with finding ways to take Piscatella down, and eventually finds what she believes are humiliating pictures of him, though she later discovers that he is not embarrassed by them at all. At the end of the season, Alex and Piper attempt to burn the notes in a garbage can, but after they light up the notes, inmates participating in the riot kick over the garbage can, spreading the notes all over the floor, although the notes are not discovered due to the riot. She complies, thinking this will be the only way to protect herself. In season 4, Lyonne is credited as a series regular in 4x04 and 4x06-4x13. Flashbacks during the second season revealed that she is a military brat and that her father James, who was an officer in the United States Army, was stationed at United States Army Garrison Hohenfels, Germany with her. When she goes into labor she is taken to a hospital, and later returns to the prison after having her newborn daughter Pepa taken away from her, which elicits sympathy from her fellow inmates. After the prison's van is stolen, Tiffany replaces Lorna as the prison's van driver and begins a friendship with Charlie "Donuts" Coates, a new guard who initially seems friendly but exhibits unsettling behavior when they are alone. Nevertheless, Nicky continues to make numerous attempts to get back together with Lorna throughout the series, suggesting that her feelings for her may be romantic. 2018. Years prior to the beginning of the series, she took a sexual interest in Piper after meeting her in a bar, and gradually integrated her into the drug trade while they traveled the world living in luxury. Feeling depressed, lonely and in need of a girlfriend, she joins Norma's "cult," although she later ends up leaving when she becomes unsatisfied with them. Back in the present, she is offered a plea deal by the public defender to plead guilty to murdering Piscatella and get life imprisonment. While in the waiting room, Maureen approaches, seeking a reconciliation, but Suzanne goes and sits elsewhere. This is short-lived, as the two break up again when Piper starts dating Stella. When Mendez begins to force her to use her connections to bring in drugs, she hatches a plan to have him removed from the prison. He makes no appearance in the fifth season, but does make a brief appearance in the sixth season, when Caputo seeks his advice over how to challenge MCC for their treatment of Taystee and the other inmates, but his advice proves unhelpful, simply suggesting Caputo just let it go. Feb 11, 2020 - Explore Vivian Hoolahan's board "GREAT MEMORIES" on Pinterest. Eventually, the stories make their way to the staff, causing Rogers to get suspended. However, due to having gone several days without her medication, Suzanne is unable to concentrate, or to keep her story straight, and begins hallucinating. Later, it becomes clear that he genuinely seeks to rehabilitate the inmates and run the prison properly and ethically. At the end of the second season, Lorna allows Rosa to steal the van after finding out that she only had a few weeks to live so that she would not die in prison. Piper is assigned to the Women's Advisory Council (WAC), despite not running and asking Healy not to put her on it. When the riot breaks out, Aleida appears in several disastrous TV interviews. Due to MCC trying to remove liability from the company for her death, they order Caputo not to call the police until they can find a way to make the incident look like Poussey's fault, before deciding to switch blame to Bayley and portray him as a rogue guard when they have difficulty conjuring up such an image of her, as she came from a respectable family, her charge was for a non-violent offense, and she was a model inmate. Eventually, with the help of Judy King, Luschek secures her return to the regular prison, and she has an emotional reunion with Red and Lorna. At the end of the season, Tiffany has escaped the prison in the confusion of the riot and was hiding in Coates' house. She later witnesses Piper framing Stella as revenge for stealing the money from the used panty business and cannot help but be impressed by her ruthless action.

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