0000035397 00000 n We offer material to be cut to your specifications through 0000010183 00000 n Applications include electronic parts, springs, switches, contacts and fasteners. 0000035056 00000 n 0000036274 00000 n Jump directly to the page you are looking for by entering a query below. 0000010836 00000 n 0000032652 00000 n 0000092687 00000 n C51000 Phosphor bronze can be readily brazed or soldered. 0000006768 00000 n A, BS 2870 PB102, BS 2874 PB102, BS 2875 PB102, EN CW451K, Aluminum Bronze Hollow Bar, Solid Bar, & Rectangle Bar, C95500 Nickel Aluminum Bronze (Hollow & Solid Bar), Leaded-Tin Bronze Hollow Bar, Solid Bar, & Rectangle Bar, High Leaded-Tin Bronze Hollow Bar & Solid Bar, Contact one of our sales representatives today. 0000089769 00000 n Product Name Phosphor Bronze Alloy Chemical Name Metal Alloy Synonyms Copper Tin Phosphorus Alloys, Alloy Nos. 0000034634 00000 n 0000003255 00000 n C510 Bronze (CuSn5) C519 Phosphor Bronze 6% (CuSn6) C521 Bronze (CuSn8) C651 Silicon Bronze (CuSi1) C70250 High Performance Alloy (CuNi3Si1) C725 Copper-Nickel-Tin (CuNi9Sn2) C752 Nickel Silver 18% (CuNi18Zn20) Our alloy 510 phosphor bronze and other phosphor bronze varieties are available in sheet and in coil. thru 6” C51900 Details & Applications: C51900 Phosphor Bronze. 0000088890 00000 n 0000035201 00000 n Grade A (5%) Phosphorus Bronze Alloy. 0000011311 00000 n Application. 0000088700 00000 n Chemical Composition (Nominal %) 4.1 - 5.8 Sn, 0.03 - … 0000097611 00000 n Farmer’s Copper Ltd. maintains an extensive inventory of Phosphor Bronze (C510) in plate, sheet, and rod form. Now, copper alloys generally are called brass, with bronze sometimes considered a type of brass.To avoid confusion, museums and historical texts typically use the inclusive term … ��U?iT�����O�q����|���7���^��.fR)��=Ӭ�Hf�ʰ��b��;˾���(.��� �jq�*��6�N_ ��%`&K���;�"��|���4W1V1?a�e\���`�����q"�+�C�Ә�s%��}�"�̳�2�4X�t�!�!���&j�!�l�\���@�b3�u�2�g`n�`�gf�#4�'���+��3��+�3x3X1�0��#C�P�,7h�7�z3���0�0v��c4f�d�è�h�k���� (�c�2J�q|�����F��Os����k�����)��Ѭ���I-z���n�ڸ���>��Ƚ������� The as cast structure is a coarse grained structure containing alpha solid solution dendrites surrounded by globules of alpha solid solution. Call us at 409-765-9003! 0000008176 00000 n 0000002536 00000 n 0000018429 00000 n 0000037225 00000 n components, and welding rods. 0000093476 00000 n Certificates with a traceable lot … 0000090660 00000 n 0000006880 00000 n C51000 Phosphor Bronze alloy is cold worked which has a higher yield strength than is readily available in most cast bronze products. 0000090329 00000 n Phosphor bronze is noted for its resilience and fatigue endurance. 0000034557 00000 n B103, Contact one of our sales representatives todayto inquire about a quote from Farmers Copper or call us today at (800) 231-9450. 0000010639 00000 n 0000033841 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000034711 00000 n C50500, 50700, C51000, C51900, C52100 Chemical Family Copper Alloy Formula Not applicable - mixture Product Use Metallurgical Products Company Address Fisk Alloy PO Box 26 10 Thomas Road Hawthorne, NJ 07507, USA MSDS … H�\��n�0E���Y&��7N%���Ģ���=�H� C�}g�(�j 8��^�� ��s��w?�gh;g=N���^;��lg��l}��U@�z�f�+��( ���4�6;\p��7o�w� 0000036423 00000 n the use of one of our bar saws, shears, precision plate saws, and water jets. It has the highest strength and second lowest ductility compared to the other variants of C51000 bronze. or any drastic cold working applications. Phone 1300 738 014 +61 7 3423 5335 Location 57 Kimberley Street, Darra, QLD 4076. Phosphor Bronze (C510) in plate, sheet, and rod form. Farmer’s Copper Ltd. maintains an extensive inventory of 0000071000 00000 n C51000 Plate – 3/16” Thick C51000 "5% A" Phosphor Bronze has an excellent combination of ductility and strength. ALLOY 510 PHOSPHOR BRONZE Charisse Louis 2019-09-27T16:49:09-04:00 COPPER ALLOY 510 Phosphor Bronze Comet Metals Inc carries a wide variety of Copper metals in an assortment of alloys, gauges, widths, tempers and coil sizes. C510 Phosphor Bronze. All Bronze products can be cut to order to your specifications by submitting a request for quote form. 0000034130 00000 n C51000 Phosphor Bronze CDA 510, ASTM B139, QQ-B750, SAE J461, ASME SB171 0000071083 00000 n Copper Alloy 510 is commonly used for fasteners, spring components, and welding rods. ��c��������f�,�bKF/�����*�U��ݼ�H��s�uI3f�8��A߸+�"�QBq�Q*t�_=Evi�w�U��0��*�d�H8b΄3�T�S^Oc�9N���&��3c�\�9k�T8e������$|b>ӡ C51000 Plate – ¼” Thick, ASTM Standard Designation for C51000: ASTM B139 and ASTM 0000005529 00000 n soldered and brazed and is suitable for arc welding with filler metal of 0000033556 00000 n 0000035939 00000 n Atlas can supply C51000 Phosphor Bronze in both Solid Bar and Plate. 0000005100 00000 n 0000012153 00000 n Typical Industry Applications: The graph bars on the material properties cards below compare H08 C51000 bronze to: wrought bronzes (top), all copper alloys (middle), and the entire database (bottom). Cu Fe Pb P Sn Zn Min./Max.Rem..10.05.03-.354.2-5.8.30 Nominal 94.8 - - .20 5.0 - Note: Cu + Sum of Named Elements, 99.5% min. 0000090069 00000 n Wire is available in size ranges from 0.0254" - 0.125" 0000089349 00000 n 0000034403 00000 n 0000071138 00000 n C51000 is readily soldered and brazed and is suitable for arc welding with filler metal of similar composition. Material Notes: Alloy C510 is an alloy with good strength, formability and stress relaxation characteristics, and solderability. 0000013165 00000 n Alloy Description: Phosphor Bronze (8%) UK: PB104, BS2B24, DTD265A EU: CuSn8P, UE9P, CW451K C52100 Phosphor bronze, a hardened product containing eight percent phosphorus, is used in commercial marine applications and screw machine parts. CuSn6 - UNS.C51900 Phosphor Bronze Alloys, which is a 6% tin bronze distinguished by a very good combination of strength and electrical conductivity.It is used for connector and current-carrying springs in contacts. 0.30. One popular application for C51000 (ASTM-B-100) plate is its use as an expansion bridge plate. 0000014669 00000 n C51000 Phosphor Bronze alloy possess a higher yield strength than is readily available in most cast products. C510 is excellent for drawing, spinning, blanking 0000094966 00000 n 0000004510 00000 n Typical applications for phosphor bronze include bearings, bushings, gears, pinions, shafts, thrust washers and valve parts. 0000088376 00000 n 0000035546 00000 n CDA 510 can be readily brazed or soldered it's capacity for being cold worked is good. 0000007714 00000 n 0000097258 00000 n Uses include various electrical connectors, fasteners, cotter pins and lock washers, sleeve bushings, welding rod, springs, perforated sheets and clutch disks. C51000 is readily Alloy 510. 0000033984 00000 n C51000 Phosphor Bronze. 0000003414 00000 n Alloy 510 Phosphor bronze is one of the most popular copper-base alloys used in spring making, because it provides both corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity. Although, at one time, bronze was an alloy consisting of copper with tin and brass was an alloy of copper with zinc, modern usage has blurred the lines between brass and bronze. h�bb�c`b``Ń3� ���ţ�1C �6 endstream endobj 492 0 obj <>/Metadata 20 0 R/Pages 19 0 R/StructTreeRoot 22 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 493 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 3/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 494 0 obj <> endobj 495 0 obj <> endobj 496 0 obj <> endobj 497 0 obj <> endobj 498 0 obj <>stream 0000090767 00000 n 0000093047 00000 n Machining and fabrication include cold working, drawing, forging, hot working, and rolling. Uses include various electrical connectors, fasteners, cotter pins and lock washers, sleeve bushings, welding rod, springs, perforated sheets and clutch disks. It may be helpful to review our article on the types of bronzes, so as to understand the commonalities between copper alloys and their popular applications. COLPHOS 90. 0000035812 00000 n Among the 4-8% tin bronze C51900 exhibits a high electrical conductivity, the highest reachable … Below, in Figure 1, is a qualitative chart depicting the composition of phosphor bronze: 510 Color Code C 510 Phosphor Bronze – Grade A is a Morgan standard alloy and finds use in electrical applications, as well as fasteners and industrial applications. Bellows, spring devices, terminals and connectors for electrical apparatus. 0000089185 00000 n 0000006994 00000 n h�b```e`�vf`g`P�� Ā B@1v�s�@��j� C510 is a sulfur bearing copper with a high conductivity copper and the addition of sulfur provides free-machining characteristics. 0000034480 00000 n 0000017046 00000 n Extruded and Drawn. 0000096922 00000 n 0000038060 00000 n -��=����-=h�A��O9qF���� �. We have other phosphor bronze alloys and tempers available, as well. Availability. 0000014119 00000 n Gibbs stocks Grade "A" (95% copper, 4.75" tin, 0.25% phosphorus) spring wire, 8 numbers hard. 0000095309 00000 n 0000011716 00000 n The tin increases the corrosion … 0000084558 00000 n 0000089663 00000 n 0000089453 00000 n 0000020159 00000 n 0000009622 00000 n C51000 Rod – ½” Dia. 0000004165 00000 n Eagle Brass 510 Phosphor Bronze 5% A, Hard Categories: Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Copper Alloy; Bronze. 0000035685 00000 n 0000088794 00000 n We are closely monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak. trailer <]/Prev 224567/XRefStm 3067>> startxref 0 %%EOF 602 0 obj <>stream C51000 (Phosphor Bronze, 5% A) US EPA Registered Antimicrobial Chemical Composition (%max., unless shown as range or min.) C93200 Bronze is a general purpose bearing alloy possessing good anti-friction properties, ample strength and hardness, adequate ductility and excellent machinability. Chemical Composition (%) We carry Bronze products in solid bar and cored bar shapes with stock sizes listed in the tab. 0000090218 00000 n lead at 0.5–3.0% to form free-machining phosphor bronze). 0000071394 00000 n Copper Alloy Name Hyper Phosphor Bronze Phosphor Bronze; C5210 (HP) C5240 (HP) C5111 C5102 C5191 C5212 C5210; Tensile Strength (MPa) O--295min: 305min: 315min: 345min UNS C51000 ASTM B 103 Additional specifications by request. 0000004361 00000 n Dear Customer, 0000037570 00000 n Because 510 bronze is very strong and formable, it is the best choice for applications involving repetitive motion, such as springs, bellows, and switches.. For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number. C51000 "5% A" Phosphor Bronze / C510 Bronze. 0000088589 00000 n 0000033413 00000 n 0000007637 00000 n CDA 510 (C51000) is available in Sheet, Plate, Bar, Disk, Bolts, Rod,Strip, Tube Seamless, Tube Welded, Wire. 0000089558 00000 n 0000004706 00000 n 0000015069 00000 n Phosphor Bronze Chemical Specifications; ASTM B103. Copper Alloy 510 is commonly used for fasteners, spring 0000088987 00000 n Our primary phosphor bronze offering is alloy 510, ASTM B103 in half-hard, full-hard, and spring tempers. 0000003067 00000 n 0000076182 00000 n 0000017471 00000 n 0000016240 00000 n 0000101029 00000 n similar composition. 0000033698 00000 n ASTM B139, ASTM B103, QQ_B-750 Comp. 0000006166 00000 n 0000079394 00000 n Phosphor bronze is a member of the family of copper alloys.It is composed of copper that is alloyed with 0.5–11% of tin and 0.01–0.35% phosphorus, and may contain other elements to confer specific properties (e.g. 0000036078 00000 n Phosphor bronze alloys such as C51000, also known as C510, consist of copper with 0.50–11.00% of tin and 0.01–0.35% phosphorus. 0000010752 00000 n 0000090439 00000 n UNS Number C51000 : Tensile Strength. 0000019426 00000 n Mechanical Properties (measured at room temperature, 68 F (20 C) Temper SectionCold Size Work 0000016609 00000 n 0000089084 00000 n Certificates with a traceable lot … Each temper is available in thicknesses ranging from 0.004 to 0.125. Phosphor bronze alloys such as C54400, or C544, consist of copper with 0.01–0.35% phosphorus & 0.50–11.00% tin, which increases corrosion & wear resistance. 0000089874 00000 n 0000036856 00000 n Because 510 bronze is very strong and formable, it is the best choice for applications involving repetitive motion, such as springs, bellows, and switches.. For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number. C510 Phosphor Bronze is a wrought alloy and has a higher yield strength than most of the cast products. �@m��Y�@��w ���D endstream endobj 601 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[22 469]/Length 38/Size 491/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Bronze metals cause minimal friction and is non-sparking making it ideal for creating bells, tools, and weapons. 0000004019 00000 n C932 Bronze | SAE 660 | C93200 (SAE 660) High Lead Tin Bearing Bronze is our most popular alloy. 0000034860 00000 n Home / Products / Phosphor Bronze Alloys / C52100 Phosphor Bronze. Capacity for being cold worked is good. Bronze Family: Phosphor Bronze C 510 Phosphor Bronze – Grade A is a METALCO standard alloy and finds use in electrical applications, as well as fasteners and industrial applications. Nominal Composition: Sn 4.2-5.8, P 0.03-0.35, Fe 0.10 max, Pb 0.05 max, Zn 0.30 max, Cu remainder Description: Horizontally, continuous cast bar. 0000090549 00000 n 0000008590 00000 n 0000088482 00000 n 0000034326 00000 n H08 C51000 bronze is C51000 bronze in the H08 (spring) temper. COLPHOS 90 is a high grade leaded tin (phosphor) bronze, the composition and production of which is carefully controlled to provide a fine grained, single phase wrought alloy of outstanding quality, strength and machinability. 0000088271 00000 n Alloyed tin increases the corrosion resistance and strength of copper, while phosphorus … MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PHOSPHOR BRONZE ALLOYS 510, 511, 519, 521 Page 3 of 6 December 15, 2004 7.0 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: In welding, precautions should be taken for airborne contaminants that may originate from components of the welding rod. Strength than is readily available in sheet and in coil an expansion bridge plate situation regarding Coronavirus... 7 3423 5335 Location 57 Kimberley Street, Darra, QLD 4076 '' Phosphor Bronze, switches, contacts fasteners! Expansion bridge plate hot working, and welding rods bellows, spring devices, terminals and connectors for electrical.! 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